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(The next few chapters will be part of the book that Harry is reading and not what is actually happening. Italics is things that are written. Text with stars around them like this:
Is on paper. The stars signalling the beginning and end of paper. The next few chapters will be like you are reading the chapters from the book that Harry is reading. I do not recommend skipping the next few chapters because they hold valuable information about the creature thing.)


Symbols are used everywhere. Here are some of the symbols commonly used:

First Ones' Descendant
The direct descendants of first ones' all have the same mark the first ones had. A single small black vertical line behind the left ear. It's the simplistic version of the numerical number one.

All mates have a mark, symbolizing they are taken, other than the scar left from the mating on their neck. It appears a few days after the mating and takes form as a ring-like tattoo around the ring finger. The ring will be customized based off the mates personalities and a person will have as many rings as they will mates.

Angel identification
Every Angel has a gem on their forehead of the shape of a diamond symbol there to show that they are angels, since some other creatures have Angel-like features but aren't angels.

Emotional alert
Though it isn't true that the mate feels whatever the other mate does, both mates receive a notification in the form of a coloured lines around their wrist when their mate is feeling a strong emotion. Blue for sad, green for jealous, red for angry, purple for lonely or incomplete or uncomfortable. Several colours can come up (each as different thin lines around the other's wrist) on the other mate's wrist.

Other symbols may have meanings to the person themselves and not an international thing, creature simply love to make things meaningful.


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