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Draco ran up the stairs to his room, skillfully dodging the eyes of everyone. He sat down on his bunk bed, the top bunk with Harry on the bottom and another bunch bed across the room with Juden on the bottom and Julie on the top. Luckily nobody was in the room so he sat on his bed and took out a gift he received recently from his parents. A muggle item called a 'mimtemdi swatch' it was a video game. Draco enjoyed playing on his 'mimtemdi' for the twenty minutes that he got until Juden entered the room.

He looked surprised to see Draco there. "Have you been here the whole time?" Juden asked, as he looked for something in his trunk. "Yeah, why?" Draco asked, as though he had no idea. "Oh me and Julie had been looking for you and Harry. Couldn't find you anywhere." Juden answered. "Oh.. I've been here the whole time and Harry went for a run." Draco lied as he jumped down from the bed, making the ground shake slightly. Juden seemed to have fished whatever it is he wanted and turned back to continue talking. Instead, Juden just stared at his neck.

"Oh my god you look like your neck had a fight with a chipmunk!" Juden laughed. Damn, his lies were so good that Draco almost forgot the truth. Harry probably left his neck looking like grapes. "Oh um..." Draco started to sweat, covering his neck with his hand. "Are those hickeys or did you actually fight a chipmunk?" Juden asked sarcastically. Draco was momentarily surprised, before he remembered that Juden and Julie were still teenagers. "You know what hickeys are?" Draco asked him. "I'm fifteen, not five." Juden replied as though he was slightly offended. "Oh..Yeah. Yeah, they're hickeys." Draco answered.

"Who did that to you? Julie? I didn't know her mouth was that big or powerful like a vacuum." Juden joked. "J-Julie...?" Draco asked, speechless. It was right at that moment that Draco remembered never telling Julie or Juden that he was in a relationship with Harry. "No actually it-" Draco began trying to explain before Sirius burst in, holding Harry's head like a soccer ball while the rest of his body walked behind in a crouched position. "FAMILY GAME NIGHT!" Sirius yelled. Though looking at the scene where Juden was staring at Draco's grape like neck, he paused.

Sirius cleared his throat before releasing his tall godson and walking over to stand beside Juden, watching Draco's neck as though it would move at any moment. "Did you fight a small animal?" Sirius asked, unknowingly repeating Juden's words. "That's what I asked. They're hickeys." Juden replied. "You never answered my question. Who did it?" Juden asked. "Oh Juden... did these two tall dumbos forget to tell you? Oh poor you." Sirius laughed before his face got Sirius. "Draco." He said. "Y-yeah?" Draco asked, almost afraid as Sirius was always in a good mood.

"So did you and Harry have a good time? Where did you do it? Do I need to clean anything up after you guys?" Sirius asked. "Uncle Siri- no! I mean yes, Harry and I-" Draco blushed before starting over. "We didn't do anything nasty other than..." he gestured to his neck, "well, this. You don't need to clean. I already told Harry I wasn't planning on doing it here." Draco quickly explained. "Ok ok, if you do though please use silencing charms and clean up after yourselves, nobody wants to walk in or hear it while the guests are here." Sirius laughed.

"Anyway, FAMILY GAME NIGHT!" Sirius yelled again before head locking both tall boys and dragging them to the living room, leaving behind an utterly confused and heartbroken Juden.

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