Draco Brain

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Draco's POV

I followed Harry because he rushed out of the great hall. I thought something might be wrong. So yes, I kind of was spying on him. It wasn't intentional... kind of. Anyway, I overheard him on the phone with someone. I had no idea what he was saying, it sounded like... a foreign language.

I hate to admit it out loud but foreign languages are so hot. I felt my face and ears getting hot. Why Draco why! You finally made a friend. And now your blushing because he speaks a foreign language. Get yourself together. You met this guy not even a week ago!

What the hell... I'm such a hopeless romantic.

"Draco? You ok? You look a little red. Do you have a fever?" I turned to see Harry's face too close to mine and his hand on my forehead. "Should I summon a thermometer?" Harry asked, seemingly to himself. "I'm fine." I said quickly. "Let's get to class." I added and started walking. Harry joined me and Theo and Blaise walked up to us as well. No matter what, I couldn't stop thinking about it though.

Did I like Harry? I mean sure he was attractive and we were compatible and I loved hanging out with him and felt a little jealous when he was close to others... but like isn't that me just being paranoid that he'd leave me? He was my first and only friend, probably my best friend. I'm not sure...

Yeah the best friend thing was probably right. He's just attractive that's it. I mean, I hear so many people talking about him saying how hot he is. Plus he does have two creature parts that have the allure trait. He said he got his early. I haven't gotten mine yet. That seemed like a reasonable answer.

I nodded to myself and continued listening to the professor, happy that I figured my feelings out. As I was leaving class, I accidentally bumped into someone. A short Slytherin girl with a black bob and matching black eyes. "watch where your going." She said without bite. "Sorry. I'm Draco." I said as I helped her pick up the books she dropped. "Pansy. Pansy Parkinson. You're Malfoy. I think we'd be great friends." She said as straight forward as possible. "Cool. Wanna hang out sometime?" I asked, excited for more friends.

"Sure! Just owl me when your free." Pansy told him before she skipped off to wherever she needed to go. I smiled and joined my roommates as we walked to the last class of the day.

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