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(CW: Mention of Parental death)

Harrison dragged his finger on the page just as instructed as a rich green colour came from his finger which he drew with. A neat cursive signature that spelt "HarrisonJP" was left. It felt like a heavy load had been lifted off his shoulders for some reason. "Well after seeing results like this, I leave the choice to you. Do you wish to relive your life and turn it around for the better now that you know the truth? Or would you wish to spend your days in the afterlife, either working for the Ministry or relaxing in the city?" Doctor Leblanc asked, a smirk on its face.

"I wish to relive my life." Harrison said, suddenly remembering a certain person he really felt the need to get closer to. And just like that, a bright shine of white blurred Harrison's vision and before he knew it he was staring up into the young faces of his parents and godparents, who were all melting at the sight of the adorable baby in the hospital.

After an incident where he secretly managed to cast a spell on Peter so he couldn't tell Voldemort anything, everything smoothened out. Life was great. Growing up, Harrison just kept in the library, reading and reading. His brain retained everything he read and his knowledge was far beyond his years. When Harry was two years old, he received a brother. He was slightly chubby, red haired and brown eyed with freckles dusting his cheeks.

Then again when Harry was five, his sister was born. She had brown hair and brown eyes and needed glasses from a very young age. The two younger ones looked up, in more ways than one, to their older brother. In their eyes, their brother was smart, calm, cool, funny, powerful, protective, fun to play with and tall like a giraffe. Even as a child, Harry was taller than the rest. At eight years old he passed for an eleven year old with his height.

Sadly, Voldemort still managed to get to James and Lily Potter after Lue was born. Harry sacrificed himself to save his siblings, though he only ended with another scar and Voldemort running away. That little stunt got him a mention in the daily prophet (HERO BOY INJURES SELF PROTECTING SIBLINGS FROM HE-WHO-SHALL-NOT-BE-NAMED). They would have moved in with their godfather, but Sirius had been medically deemed as insane and Sirius's husband, Remus, was a werewolf. So, naturally, they moved in with a squib woman who'd always wanted a family named Matilda Greengrass, the aunt of Daphne Greengrass.

At home, they spoke French and German with each other, and barely any English, though they knew the language well. They had all adopted to modern day habit of owning cell phones as well. When the time came to see Harry off for his first year in Hogwarts, they were all emotional. Matilda hugged her adopted eleven year old son who passed for thirteen or fourteen, Lue clung to her brother hoping he would not go and Daryn told his brother how often he should write and call. They would all miss him. As the train yelled for last call, they all hugged before the eleven year old boy left to the train.

Harry sat in a compartment all alone, waiting for someone to enter, as he played around with wandless and wordless magic. A knock on the door put the magic to a stop, the suitcase he was levitating falling with a loud thump. He opened the door slightly and looked downward to see the guy he despised in his previous life. Oddly, Harry felt no left over hatred for the boy. "Is there a free seat? Most compartments are full or they don't want a Malfoy there." The little blonde boy with grey eyes asked.

Harry felt pity toward him, at such a young age he had to learn that he wasn't welcome because of his family. "Of course, all free." Harry said as he opened the door. The blonde sat across from Harry and began to talk to him. "Thanks for letting me sit here. My name's Draco Malfoy. What's yours?" "Harrison. Harrison Potter." Harry replied. "Are you a third year?" Draco asked, looking the tall boy in front of him up and down. "No. A first year. I'm a quarter-giant." Harry explained. "That's cool. I'm actually part Veela." Draco replied. Harry did not know that.

"That's cool too." Harry replied. They talked the whole train ride, Hermione and Ron joining them just like before. Though Hermione didn't have any glasses to fix this time around. Surprisingly, Ron and Draco got over their little hatred by the time the train ride was halfway done. They stepped into the great hall, and so begun the sorting.

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