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Harry groggily opened his eyes and let them refocus on the room. He recognized the place. It was the hospital wing in hogwarts. That means he hadn't been out for long and it was still school. He sat up and looked around, noticing that stitches and bandaids were glued to the cut from his right cheek to right collar bone and that his arm was in a cast, a green colour to his pleasure. There was weight on the hand that wasn't in a cast, and he turned to see a sleeping Draco holding his hand.

"Draco." Harry said, freeing his hand and shaking him. Draco was the lightest sleeper there was, as he immediately stirred. "Harry?" Draco asked, squinting. His eyes were red and puffy as he carefully hugged Harry around his torso. "You big dummy! You leave after curfew and don't come back, then you send me a mental message so early in the morning and all it says is 'help.'! Do you understand how worried we all were? Do you understand how worried I was!?" Draco ranted, tears threatening to spill from his eyes again.

"I'm sorry." Harry said, hugging the blonde boy back. "What even happened?" Draco asked. "Well I went to destroy all of Voldemort's horcruxes and then I battled with him." Harry said vaguely. "What!?" Draco yelled. "Was there by chance a palm sized marble that's red and clear with black sand swirling around in it?" Harry asked. "Yes. Something exactly like that. Is it yours?" Draco asked, taking it out of his pocket. "Sort of." Harry replied.

Draco sent a confused glance at Harry, who realized he'd need to explain it. "I used blood magic and needed a lot of blood to use that certain spell. That marble you see is some of my blood that I used for the spell, the black swirling sand is Voldemort's essence. He's dead." Harry grinned, taking the marble from Draco and placing a spell on it so it could never break before shrinking it and using a spell to shape it into a flat tear drop shape with a hole at the top of the drop. Harry conjured a leather string and tied the year drop around his neck.

"Is that like, your trophy for defeating Voldemort?" Draco snorted. "No. It's my trophy for defeating Voldemort and successfully making you fall in love with me." Harry grinned at Draco. "I never said-" Draco began, though was cut off by a quick kiss from Harry. "Yeah I love you too." Harry told Draco. "I love you." Draco smiled back. They grinned at each other stupidly, as though they'd both just become kings and won the olympics all in one go.

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