Gay alert

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(CW: mentions of alcohol, drunkenness, sexual references, nudity)

Blaise just smiled and blocked his eyes, not wanting to see his naked roommate and his other roommate probably going at it. He quickly woke Theo up and they left after Blaise got dress and Theo got his shirt and pants back on the right way.

"Harry wha-" Draco turned to look at him but got cut off with a kiss. "Harry!" Draco exclaimed. "What is going on!?" He asked. "I heard you say you like me." Harry replied. "And?" Draco pushed. "I like you too." Harry continued. "Wha- really?" Draco asked, an unbelieving tone in his voice. "Yes really!" Harry chuckled. "Well I think your cute too, big guy." Draco laughed, placing his hands over top Harry's oddly thin and long delicate fingers.

"Be my boyfriend?" Harry asked Draco while he kissed Draco's neck. "Geez, go on a date with me first." Draco laughed. Harry chuckled against Draco's skin, basically vibrating. "Ok ok, let's go. We'll be late to breakfast." Draco said as he threw Harry's shirt in his face. As Draco tried to leave he winced and turned back to Harry.

"YOU! My ass hurts SO MUCH. I just realized it but this is your fault! Big dumb idiot! I thought you were supposed to be the gentle giant that everybody loves in hogwarts! But gentle isn't even in your dictionary! And worst of all I can't even remember if it was good or not because I was drunk. That's just voluntarily being in pain for something good you can't remember!" Draco ranted before he turned and left. Harry quickly got dressed and followed Draco. As he was going he suddenly felt the phone on his pocket vibrate.

"Moony?" He asked out loud, confused as to why his godfather was calling him. "What's up?" Harry answered. "Hey Harry. Me and padfoot were wondering if you wanted to come over this summer. Some of my family from France will be coming over with my niece and nephew and they're about your age and your like my son so I thought it would be nice. You can also bring a friend or boyfriend." Moony immediately said. "Yeah ok!" Harry grinned, although he knew Moony wouldn't see it.

"Great! Pack your bags once you get home, I'll owl Matilda to let her know. I'll call Daryn and Lue after. Also don't worry, me and Sirius will pick you up." He said. "Ok." Harry replied. Moony hung up and Harry continued to walk, catching up to Draco.

They sat down by Blaise and Theo, saying short hellos before digging in. "Oh? You guys didn't go for another round? Or was it a quickie?" Blaise teased, wiggling his brows and giving them duck lips. Both boys turned red at the thought. "We didn't go another round." Harry said, looking at anything except people. "But Draco agreed to go on a date with me." Harry grinned in Draco's direction. "Wow, Draco. That's it? I expected more from you." Blaise said, a disappointed tone in his voice. They all laughed.

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