Never Have I Ever

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(CW: mentions of alcohol, drunkenness, sexual references, nudity, underage drinking)

It was seventh year now and the roommates were playing Never Have I Ever with fire whiskey that someone (cough Harry cough) managed to sneak in.

"Never have I ever done anything ifya-know-wadda-mean." Blaise laughed, starting off the game. Both Theo and Harry took a shot. "For real!?" Both Draco and Blaise yelled at the same time, shocked for different reasons. "I mean I understand Harry but Theo?" "Oh come on! It was with my girlfriend last month. We actually did it." Theo shot back. "What about you Harry?" Blaise asked.

"You remember my ex, Exander?" Harry started. Everyone nodded. "We did it in fifth year. We went five rounds the first time and did it more over the next year before we broke up." Harry explained. "Dude! T.M.I. Gross. Top or Bottom bunk bed though?" Blaise asked, wiggling his brows. "Top bunk!" Harry yelled. Draco ignored the slight jealousy in his stomach and laughed instead.

By the end of the game, Harry had over twenty shots of fire whiskey and still seemed to be standing, though incredibly drunk. Unsurprisingly, Theo had the least amount of shots. Theo had ten and Draco had fifteen. Blaise had twenty. While Theo and Blaise were completely knocked out snoring, Harry and Draco decided to drunkly kiss each other.

"I think- hic- I'll regret this in the morning." Harry laughed. "Reeeegret. Best feeeling." Draco dragged out his words and squinted at Harry. "You knoww your my tyyyype. Kiiiss meeee you giant weiiirdooo." Draco continued. "I- hic- think that's the worst idea- hic- you've ever had. But I like- hic- bad ideas. So I will." Harry replied drunkly before kissing Draco sloppily.

"Remoooove the stain of Virgoooo Teaaaa." Draco laughed.

The next morning they all woke up with their heads throbbing and no idea what happened. Bed sheets and pillows were everywhere, clothes lay or hung from every corner, Harry and Draco were without clothes sleeping basically on top of each other in Harry's bed, Theo was wearing his shirt as pants and pants as shirt, sleeping somewhere in the middle of the floor. Blaise had completely discarded his clothes other than underwear and was sleeping somewhere in a corner, using someone's skinny jeans as a hat.

"Wow." Was the first thing Blaise said when he woke up. "This is too much, I'm going back to sleep." He told himself, although he was the only one awake. It was peacefully quiet this morning. The peace didn't last long, as someone had woken up and screeched as loud as one could possibly scream. "What? Who got murdered? My head is killing me ughh." Blaise asked as he was pulled further away from sleep, the pants still perched on his head.

He looked up to see Draco trying to crawl out from under Harry. "Oh my god!" He yelled as he ran to retrieve his underwear. "Whaz happenin" Blaise asked, half awake. "Did you see what happened last night? Please tell me I did not just sleep with my best friend." Draco asked Blaise, pacing impatiently. "First of all, I was passed out drunk. Second of all, you woke up naked in a bed with him on top of you, it's pretty obvious. Third of all, it's so obvious you guys like each other does it matter?"

"Yes it matters! It means that I had my first time with the guy I like who is also my best friend and I won't even remember it." Draco complained. "I can make up to it if you want." A voice from behind Draco said. Before Draco could turn around, he was enveloped in a hug from a huge body.

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