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(CW: mentions of homophobia and sexuality)

They went around in a circle, taking turns asking a question which everyone answered.

Theo went first. "Favourite colour?" And everyone answered. Then Blaise. "Birthday?" Again everyone answered. Then Draco. "Sexuality?" This came with a few seconds of quiet, each scared of the others reactions. "I'm gay." Harry stated proudly, the first to break the silence. "I'm straight but I support." Blaise told them. "I'm bisexual." Draco smiled. "I'm questioning at the moment." Theo informed. "At least we know none of us are homophobic assholes. Man, this is the best." Theo added, giving them a thumbs up that melted the awkward tension like butter in a desert.

"I guess it's my turn. Favourite music genre?" Harry asked. They went on like that far into the night, not caring that class was right in the morning. Draco had long before starting dozing off, resting his whole body on Harry's, practically on his lap. Theo and Blaise had started to drift off as well, so they parted ways and left to whichever bed was free and closer. Harry picked up the small blond boy who was using him as a huge pillow, who seemed to be quite the light sleeper as he stirred at the smallest movement, and brought him to his bed.

Harry tucked Draco in and left to his own bed, sat down, and stared at the book that he found had randomly appeared in his trunk earlier while he was unpacking. "Mm, night Harry.." Draco said, half asleep. "Night Draco." Harry replied, before shutting the curtains of his four poster bed, casting a wandless and wordless lumos, and starting to read the book.

The book was thick and had a worn leather cover with no identification other than the word 'GUIDE' burned into the front. Inside he looked over the table of contents.

Table of Contents

Powers and Abilities..........8-50
Shifting Forms...................51-64
Info Window.....................78-82
Family and Status .........362-400
Packs and Guilds...........400-430
Magical Signature........466-486


And so Harry began to read, starting with Powers and Abilities, as the odd Chapter names and book name interested him. A few words in was all he needed to realize that this wasn't a novel, but a guide on all this new creature stuff that was going on.

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