25. Field of freedom

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Jaemin: I noticed that you are a bit strict with the girls, but then some days you don't even care

Jaemin: *sighs* is there anything you want to talk about?

Y/n: I don't feel like there is anything. Nothing that comes to my mind

Jaemin: I know we are new to each other but if there is anything on your mind

Jaemin: Even the dumbest idea, question, or topic talk to me right away *hugs Y/n*

Y/n: *Hugs Jaeming holding her tears back* Jaemin do you want to join me somewhere?

Jaemin: *looks at Y/n* The guys are waiting-

Y/n: Sorry I forgot, you should get going then *walks away*

Jaemin: *grabs Y/n's hand* I was going to say the guys are waiting to let me give them a message so that don't have to wait for me

Y/n: Oh *chuckles*

Jaemin: I just sent the message to Mark and he said it's fine since I told them in advance

Y/n: *smiles* then I guess we can start walking to it

Jaemin: is it far away? I am very lazy

Y/n: so am I but it's worth it when you see it

Jaemin: am I meeting someone? Animals? Hidden place?

Y/n: it's not hidden but people prefer to go there during sunlight

Jaemin: Oh, then where is this place?

Y/n: Not so far away just up the hill and down the river

Jaemin: You think I am an athlete to be able to go that far?

Y/n: If we just talk and walk nothing will seem like a workout *smiles*

Jaemin: *smiles* Your smile is the reason I am willing to go up

At the field on the top of the hill- Y/n's point of view

I was quite young when I had this rage to run away from everyone and everything. I had a depressing time during school and with friends. I had it difficult to be responsible and stable at home.

I didn't want to run away forever, I just wanted to be far away from my problems for a while until I was ready to face them. that's when I found this field of grass and flowers.

We were on a school trip and I saw an old couple pick flowers from there. Then I would run to this place once in a while. Spread my arms like they were wings.

Run around like I was chasing my freedom. Fall straight into the mud without knowing I would get dirty. The fresh scent and fragrance from wet grass seemed to calm me down.

Jaemin: *breathing heavily* Just because you play basketball and don't get tired

Jaemin: but I am not like that....you....should...be

Y/n: I am just as *heavily breathing* exhausted and I lost my breath

Jaemin: Then why do you wish to come here then?

Y/n: because what I feel when I am up here is worth it

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