42. Avoid my sight

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Y/n: That’s your choice but in my case, it was a bastard that is a male so I said him. Thank you for hearing me out *goes off stage*


Y/n: *Smiles* Thank you for your support

Alia: what did I just hear?

Mai: What happened? Why did you cry? Did Jaemin do anything?

Y/n: I am telling you this now whether you believe me or not is up to you but from this moment I am staying away from that dude *storms out of the crowd*

Author’s point of view- three weeks after the music festival
Just like Y/n said on that day she stood by her word. She stopped talking to Jaemin even if he tried to approach her during the first week. Y/n was mad at herself for opening up so much and that she didn’t stop her feelings from growing.

Jaemin was mad at himself too for being fine with people being close to him since they are famous. He hates the fact that Y/n doesn’t even look at him anymore.

If they walk past each other Jaemin will gaze until Y/n is out of sight while Y/n wouldn’t even care to look for a second. She doesn’t know if this made her stronger but she could focus more on school and basketball than overthink.

All of their friends were doubting and worried because between them everything happened so fast, you barely got time to react. Either way, it looked like it was the end.

Alia: Hey! I was asked by Jisung to come here

Jaemin: I am sorry for asking you to come during school time but Jisung mentioned that you have a different time scehdual than us

Alia: Don’t think about it. But why did you ask to see me?

Jaemin: I don’t want to sound dramatic but its killing me

Alia: Not seeing Y/n? You see her at school

Jaemin: She doesn’t even look me in the eye nor do I see her smile. It’s like I became a peck dust in her life, meaningless

Alia: I never understood what happened between you guys because on the music festival she enjoyed your song and I saw you guys hug.

Alia: Then she steals the mic talking trash about love which is truly about you

Jaemin: I see that she hates me but that’s an act to make her love for me disappear

Alia: I don’t know if I can help but I will try after all she said you were a good guy even if everyone had proof and stated that you were a terrible person

Jaemin: She didn’t believe them?

Alia: She didn’t care for them. She knew it and didn’t care

Jaemin: Why? Sorry you aren’t Y/n how would you know

Alia: I assume it was because she liked you that much that your past didn’t matter to her

Jaemin: Then why dose she hate me now?

Alia: I don’t know to be honest Jaemin, maybe something happened between you guys at the festival that she didn’t speak about

His Devious Smile [Na Jaemin] 2Where stories live. Discover now