35. Bad Habits

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Y/n: Hey Kate just breathe, okay?

Kate: WHAT?! Girl! Our game starts in 20 minutes and you as our team captain are fine with this!? You asked us to get rest yesterday

Y/n: everyone who did everything I told you not to do can take five laps around the whole school

Daxia: I ain't going to do that

Y/n: Then you should know because of you no one of us will play and that we won't achieve our dream because your-

Daxia: Fuck! Don’t blame me for this-

Y/n: Those who care of the team and did a mistake run five laps and then get ready the rest walk away and never come back to this team *walks away*

Alia: Arent you a bit harsh now?

Y/n: I am telling you that some of us have been dying to come here while others just tagged along

Y/n: While you guys were wasting time I was running outside trying to make my-

Mai: Hey, everyone was dumb and that’s fine. We all do make mistakes

Y/n: Fuck! I am exhausted! Those who want to play know when the game starts *leaves*

I fucked up today. I am doing fine but yelling and being harsh at the team is the only way they will understand how important this is for me.

Some of us were born naturally talented in basketball but I had to make my way to the top and it was exhausting.

The worst part is that I am doing this for my parents and nobody knows cause I don’t think it’s important for them to know about their death.

Jaemin: Maybe open your eyes while walking? *stops Y/n for hitting a tree*

Y/n: *flinches* What do you want?

Jaemin: will you give it to me if I asked for it?

Y/n: When did you start being too cooky?

Jaemin: When did you start to be so straightforward?

Y/n: You are so fucking annoying! Leave me alone *looks after a smoke*

Jaemin: *throws the smoke packet* I thought you quit smoking two years ago, what's the sudden urge to have a smoke now?

Y/n: My mind is a mess and it’s fucked up! I can't think straight! My mind is losing control and I just want to fucking die and stay alone!

Jaemin: *hugs Y/n* Listen, I might be the only one knowing your pain but don’t say bad words like that. Your parents wouldn’t like it if you said something like that

Y/n: *exhales deeply* I hate you. It’s weird cause I used to love you. How are you able to make me feel so much bullshit at the same time?

Jaemin: the same time you made me feel like a good human and made me change *smiles*

Y/n: Heachan….gave me a warning. Is it because he doesn’t see you change?

Jaemin: He does that to test if anyone would change their mind loving me just because of hearing my friend talk shit about mr

His Devious Smile [Na Jaemin] 2Where stories live. Discover now