Chapter Two - Goodbye, brother of mine

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Georgiana, Atlanta, June 14th 2012.

Elena's POV.

I have been with Kai for a year now. I don't know how long he is planning on keeping me for, honestly I thought he would've killed me sooner. I looked to the doorway as I heard the floorboards creek, I rolled my eyes as I saw Kai coming in smiling.

"Why are you so cheerful?" I asked as I looked back at the boarded up windows.

"Today is a wonderful day Elena" he said as I scoffed.

"So what will it be today? Torture, torture or torture?" Kai asked counting his fingers as he went along, I rolled my eyes at him.

He grabbed my arm before dragging me into the kitchen, tying me down to the wooden table. I turned my head to stare at the wall as he began to rummage through the drawers. He took us to another run-down house that he found in Georgiana, the house was falling apart. I looked towards Kai as he came back with a knife, before he began piercing my skin.

I didn't scream or cry in agony as I continued to stare at the decaying wall. He has been torturing for a year, I guess I've gotten used to the pain. I would a feel a slight pinch and that was it, my body would just become numb to the rest of it. I noticed there was still remnants of the wallpaper on the cracked wall. It was the floral print, you know, the kind of floral print that your grandmother would have in her home.

The various shades of green, pink and blue clashed as I squinted my eyes. Were those wild flowers? Whatever they were, it looked horrible. Kai must've gotten bored with me not making a sound as I felt him heal my wounds before he grabbed me and dragged me back to the lounge.

Throwing me onto the couch, I watched as Kai put on his jacket before making his way to the front door. He turned to me before smiling, I cringed.

"I'm going to go get a present for you Elena," He said as I looked at him unimpressed, "So don't go anywhere"

He winked at me before leaving. I rolled my eyes it's not like I can go anywhere you spelled the house dickhead. I looked up at the ceiling as I felt my eyes start to close.

I was back in the forest when I saw Katherine running. I chased after her.

"Katherine!" I screamed but she kept running.

I kept up with her until she came to a stop in a clearing, there was a stone slab in the middle of it.

"Katherine?" I questioned.

I watched as Katherine held her arms up before she screamed, I couldn't quite hear what she said as it was distorted. The wind was picking up speed as I watched her, Katherine isn't a witch. I mean I remember her telling Nadia that she was a traveller, but Katherine was a vampire in 1864. So she wouldn't have been able to do magic. I could tell that the year was 1864 with what Katherine was wearing, the corseted dress was blue in colour swaying with every step she took. The dress fitted her well and complimented her skin, then again I've never said this out loud but Katherine always did look amazing in everything she wore.

Shaking my head, I fell to my knees as the winds became faster and faster.

"Meow" I heard from beside me, looking towards the sound I saw a black cat.

"Hello, kitty" I said, the cat looked at me.

The cat came closer to me as it began to nudge its body against my arm. I lifted my hand and began to stroke its fur gently. The cat was gorgeous, I smiled as it let me continue to pet it. A bigger gust of wind knocked me down and my head connected with the ground. The last thing I saw was the cats glowing green eyes.

I sat up quickly as I groaned. That was weird, I have had this dream multiple times but this was the first time I had seen a black cat in them. I turned to look at the boarded window, my eyes widening when I saw Kai but he wasn't alone.

"Jeremy?" I asked not quite believing he was here, Jeremy smiled at me sadly.

"Surprise!" Kai exclaimed but I ignored him as I continued to look at my brother.

"What's going on?" I asked, Jeremy shook his head.

"Elena listen to me, I love you ok. I love you so much" Jeremy said as I looked at him confused. Why is he saying this?

"I love you too Jeremy" I replied.

"What's going on?"

"Aww this is so adorable" Kai said as he looked between us, "It makes me kind of sad that I have to do this"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, what is he talking about? I met Jeremy's eyes as he mouthed the words I love you and I'm sorry. I was going to ask him what he meant before I screamed in agony.

Kai had pulled out a knife and stabbed it through my brothers chest. My eyes filled with tears as my brothers body fell to the floor, Kai got up and walked towards me. Grabbing my arm he began to pull me towards the door, I kicked and screamed at him.

He pulled me out of the house and towards the car as I continued to scream at and kick him.

"Jeremy!" I screamed as the house burst into flames.

I began punching and kicking Kai as he pushed me into the backseat of the car and closing the door. I pulled at the handle but the door wasn't opening so I opted for kicking the window but that did nothing as well.

"You killed my brother! You fucking prick!" I screamed at him.

Kai laughed at me as he drove away from the house. I fell backwards and began to sob. My brother was gone, he's gone and I can't get him back.

"Aww did you not like your present Elena?" Kai said as he laughed again.

I turned away from him as I sobbed louder. Jeremy didn't deserve this, he was supposed to be finishing school soon and applying for art school after that. I'm never going to see him again, and I cant even bring him back as the other side was destroyed even then I don't have his ashes. I can't even give him a proper funeral.

The pain I was feeling was unbearable, it was so agonizing. My entire family is gone, my brother was the only biological family I had left and now he's gone too. I have no one left. I curled myself up.

"We are going somewhere to collect something that I need, hopefully it is still there" Kai said after a while, I ignored him.

We had been on the road for a while, before the car stopped and Kai opened my door dragging me out. I looked to see another run-down house. Opening the door he took us to the lounge, dropping me on the couch I clenched my hands into fists. I watched silently as Kai brought out a map and began chanting an incantation. After a while, he clapped his hands in excitement.

"It's still here. I'm not going to get it just yet, I want to surprise them when they least expect it." he said smiling at me, I glared at him.

"So get comfortable we are going to be here a while"

He turned around to walk out of the room before I stood up, my fists were shaking as I continued to glare at him.

"Oh that won't be necessary" I replied as Kai turned to look at me.

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