Chapter Ten - We are Gabriel and Juliet Delacour

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Gilbert Family Lake House, Dunham Lake, July 21st 2012.

Elena's POV.

It had been a week since Alex and Aimee have been here and honestly it's been amazing we have really grown close over the week. I'm starting to see them as an extra brother and sister, we were currently out beside the lake when we heard voices. Turning around I noticed Mystic chasing a couple of magpies.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at the birds, one of the birds flew and landed in front of me. I quickly picked it up before Mystic could grab it, I gasped in shock as I dropped the bird. The magic coming off of them was powerful, the noises both of them were making sounded like they were in distress. I immediately stood up, Alex and Aimee following suit.

"Alex I need you to grab Mystic for me, now!" I said Alex ran towards Mist and picked her up.

"Aimee I need you to grab one of the magpies ok?" I said, Aimee nodded.

Moving closer to the birds, I looked at Aimee before nodding. Quickly moving our hands we grabbed the birds.

"Ok lets bring them inside" I said.

The birds became even more distressed as their noises became louder.

"I'm about to help you just hold on" I replied before going into the lounge. Alexandre kept a hold of Mystic as Aimee and me placed the birds down on the floor.

I looked towards the birds, crouching down onto my knees. 

"Are you both females?" I asked, they shook their heads. 

"Are you both males?" I asked, both of them shook their heads again. I nodded before turning towards Aimee.

"Aimee, I need you to go upstairs and grab me some of my brothers clothes and some of mine ok?" I asked looking at her.

"Ok" Aimee replied before running upstairs, she came back down a few moments later with the clothes.

I placed them down in front of the birds before lifting my hands towards them, I then began to chant.

"Break the curse these people were placed on

by the witch who did this, hear my cry

and set the people within these magpies free"

Alex, Aimee and I gasped in shock as the birds shifted into humans. I stood up before we all turned to allow them to get changed.

"We will allow you guys to get changed" I said,

"We are changed now, you guys can turn around" I heard a feminine voice say.

Turning around we were met with a young man and a young woman. I looked them over, the man had golden blonde hair with pale blue eyes as did the woman. The man was about the same height as my brothers Jeremy and Alex, while the woman was the same height as Aimee and me.

"What are you guys names?" I asked.

"I am Gabriel Delacour and this is my younger sister Juliet" Gabriel replied, I nodded,

"I'm Elena Gilbert and this is Alexandre and Aimee Labonair" I said pointing to me, Alex and Aimee.

"and you've already met my familiar Mystic" I added pointing to Mist.

"Would you guys like some food?" I asked, they both nodded.

I gestured for them to follow me as we all made our way into the kitchen. Walking over to the stove, I got out the frying pan.

"Is pancakes ok?" I asked them, they nodded.

I began to make the pancakes as I put on a pot of coffee. Aimee grabbed the orange juice from the fridge before pouring her and Alex some.

"Would you guys like some coffee or we have orange juice if you prefer?" I asked.

"Coffee will be fine for us" Gabriel replied.

I placed everybody's food on their plates before placing them down in front of them. Placing Gabriel and Juliet's cups of coffee in front of them I sat down beside Aimee.

We sat in a comfortable silence as we ate. After we were finished I placed the dishes in the sink, sitting back down beside Aimee I looked at Gabriel and Juliet.

"So what happened to you guys? Why were you a pair of magpies?" I asked.

"A witch was angry with our family for we had apparently stole something from her, we didn't. She killed our parents before she turned me and my brother into birds" Juliet started, Aimee shook her head in disbelief.

"She turned us into magpies because it was fitting for a family of thieves. We didn't steal anything from her, we were cursed at age 16 and Juliet was 14" Gabriel finished, Alex shook his head.

"Do you guys remember when you were born and how old you are?" Alexandre asked.

"I was born on the 17th of February 1991 and Juliet was born on the 21st of April 1993" Gabriel replied.

"What is the date?" Juliet asked.

"It's the 21st of July 2012" Aimee replied.

"So that would make me 21 years old and Juliet 19 years old" Gabriel said.

"What about you guys, how old are you?" Juliet asked.

"I was born on the 22nd of June 1992 and I am 20 years old" I replied.

"And me and Alexandre here, were both born on the 8th of March 1991 which would make us 21 years old" Aimee added.

"What is your guys story?" Gabriel asked.

Aimee and Alex began with their story as they told Gabriel and Juliet what happened to them. Juliet gasped in shock.

"We are sorry that happened to you guys" She said, Alex shrugged.

"It's ok" he replied.

"What about you?" Juliet asked me, I smiled before telling them my story.

Gabriel and Juliet looked at me sadly before Gabriel spoke.

"We are sorry about your brother and what happened to you"

I shrugged before looking back at him.

"It's ok" I replied.

"So you guys are werewolves," Juliet said pointing at Aimee and Alexandre, they nodded.

"and you are a witch" she finished pointing at me, I nodded.

"Me and Gabriel are also witches, we would have been able to help ourselves if it wasn't so hard being in bird form" Juliet added.

Gabriel and Juliet looked at us.

"You guys saved us, we owe yous our lives" Juliet said, I smiled at her.

I noticed that it had gotten dark suddenly, I looked back at Gabriel and Juliet.

"We should all get some sleep, I think yous two would appreciate sleeping in a bed" I said, Gabriel nodded.

Walking up the stairs, I showed Gabriel and Juliet their rooms before turning towards mine. Stopping when Juliet called us, Alex, Aimee and I turned to her.

"Thank you guys for everything" She said.

"No problem" Alex replied before going into his room.

"Goodnight Juliet" Aimee said before going into hers.

I waved at Juliet before heading into mine. Getting into my bed I smiled when Mystic curled up beside me. I guess I've saved the four people I was supposed to help, was the last thought I had before darkness took over.

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