Chapter Fifteen - The Mikaelson Party: Part One

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New Orleans, Louisiana, August 25th 2012.

Elena's POV.

It has been two weeks since we found out about Lucien and Klaus was trying to figure out why he was suddenly in New Orleans. I was currently sitting in the lounge as my forefinger circled the glass of bourbon I was holding. 

"We should throw a party of sorts, then I can find out what he wants." Klaus said, as Elijah nodded in agreement.

"How do you know that he will turn up?" Jules asked, Klaus smirked.

"Lucien always did love a good party, so he will turn up" Klaus replied.

"The party will start at 7pm," Klaus added, before turning to look at me and Kol with a smile. I raised an eyebrow.

"You and Kol can go and tell Lucien the good news" Klaus added as I stared at him blankly before rolling my eyes.

I placed my glass onto the table before standing up and grabbing Kol's hand, pulling him out of the compound and onto the busy streets. 

I turned to Kol. 

"Where do you think Lucien would be?" I asked, Kol shrugged. 

"He could be anywhere" Kol replied. 

I sighed before continuing to walk down the street alongside Kol. Where the hell could Lucien be? I began to rub my wrist lightly while I stole glances at Kol. 

"What?" Kol asked. "I know you want to say something darling."

I looked to him, my eyes meeting his dark ones for a second before I looked down and bit my lip lightly. 

I took a deep breath as I moved closer to him, he looked at me questioningly. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I would like to apologise for killing you, I'm sorry" I said, Kol smiled lightly. 

"You don't have to apologise darling, I did try to chop both your brothers arms off so I kind of deserved it but thank you" Kol replied, I smiled. 

I rolled my eyes when I heard the cocky voice of Lucien. 

"Well if it isn't Kol and his beautiful girlfriend, it's lovely to see you again" Lucien said I looked at Kol briefly before turning to face Lucien.

"Hello Lucien" I said, Lucien smiled before holding out his hand.

"Am I going to get your name this time, beautiful?" Lucien asked, I smiled sweetly before placing my hand in his.

"My name is Elena" I replied, Lucien held my hand as he kissed the back of it. Kol grabbed my hand quickly before pulling me into him.

"I'd prefer it if you kept your hands off of her" Kol said glaring at Lucien, who was holding his hands up.

"Easy there Kol wouldn't want you to lose control now, would we?" Lucien said cockily. I glared at him.

"Shut up Lucien, now if you don't mind you were interrupting us" I snapped, before grabbing Kol's hand and pulling him towards a dress shop that was near us. 

"Interrupting you?" Lucien asked confused, I stood in front of the shop before I looked back at him.

"Klaus is throwing a party and Kol here is taking me out to buy a dress for it, now if you don't mind" I replied, placing my hand on the handle of the door.

"A party you say?"

Kol rolled his eyes. "Yes it's at the compound at 7pm"

"Well tell your brother I will see him there," Lucien replied before smirking as he looked at me, "Save me a dance beautiful"

Winking at me Lucien turned and left, I screwed up my face in disgust before turning back to Kol. I took my hand off the handle of the shop, as Kol tilted his head.

"Well I guess the plan worked, Lucien will be at the party" I said as I tried to move away from the shop before Kol wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me back into him.

I looked at him confused. What is he doing?

"Well, since Lucien saw us and you told him that I was going to buy you a dress it's only fair that I do just that, don't you think darling?" Kol said, I rolled my eyes playfully as Kol opened the door to the dress shop and we walked inside.

"Pick out a dress darling"

I laughed before looking through some of the dress racks, I was looking for a while before one dress caught my eye. It was a dark green satin dress with a split down the leg, it was beautiful. I grabbed it off the rack before quickly placing my hand over Kol's eyes. Kol laughed.

"You aren't going to let me see the dress?" Kol asked.

"Nope" I said as I began to walk us towards the cashier.

I placed the dress onto the table still having my hand over Kol's eyes, I waited until the cashier had put the dress in the bag before I dropped my hand. Kol smirked at me before paying for the dress as I grabbed the bag. 

"You guys are such a cute couple" The cashier said, I was about to protest before Kol pulled me into him. 

"Thank you" He said, I shook my head lightly as I blushed. We said our goodbyes to the cashier before we left the shop.

As we began walking down the street, Kol turned to me.

"So are you going to let me see the dress now?" Kol asked, I shook my head.

"Nope, you are just going to have to wait until the party" I replied, Kol smirked at me as he grabbed my arm.

"Ok, darling" He said before vamping us back to the compound.

Walking into the compound, I gasped when I saw that it had been decorated with various hanging lights and streamers. Tables were set up along with some decks for the music, this was amazing. 

I walked up the stairs before walking into my room to see Jules and Aims sitting on my bed with a couple of bags beside each of them. I closed my door and made my way over to them. 

"What's up guys?" I asked as Jules smiled. 

"Before the party starts tonight, will you be able to help us with our hair and makeup?" She asked, I laughed lightly before nodding. 

"Of course, I take it you guys got dresses then?" 

Aims nodded. 

"Yeah, Rebekah took us dress shopping"

"Well we will go and take showers and leave you to it, we'll come back later on" Jules said, I nodded before watching them leave my room.

Smiling, I placed my bag down beside my bed before I sat down next to Mystic who was curled up in the middle of my bed. Lightly brushing her fur with my fingers I sighed, hopefully tonight we will be able to find out why Lucien is here and what he wants.

I could hear people talking downstairs as the light thump of music began to play. I got up off the bed and walked towards my bathroom. I turned on the shower before looking at myself in the mirror as I waited for the shower to heat up. I ran my fingers through my hair before biting my lip thoughtfully, I got undressed before stepping into the shower. The hot water ran down my back as I thought to myself, I just hope this party goes well.

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