Chapter Thirty Two - A Mikaelson Christmas: Part One

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry for the late update, I'm feeling a lot better now so weekly updates will be back every Monday and Friday. I hope you enjoy this chapter!



New Orleans, Louisiana, December 24th 2012.

Elena's POV.

It's been two weeks since we defeated Lucien and our lives have been peaceful ever since, well until Christmas rolled around. Rebekah has been decorating the entire compound in wreaths, Christmas lights and tinsel, getting Davina, Maria, Aims and Jules to help her.

I grinned as I saw Rebekah walk into the compound, Alex and Gabe trailing behind her carrying a large tree. Klaus groaned as he looked at them.

"What is that?" He asked.

"It's a Christmas tree, I want Hope to decorate it with us, as a family" Rebekah replied, Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Bloody hell!" He muttered, shaking his head when Rebekah began directing Alex and Gabe.

I watched as Hayley, Hope, Elijah and the rest of the guys got some decorations and began to decorate the tree. Rebekah looked at me.

"Come on, Elena! Help us decorate" She said, I smiled.

"In a minute, I'll go get Mystic" I replied before heading up the stairs towards my room.

Walking in I saw Mystic sitting on my bed, pawing at my Grimoire. I walked over to her, scratching her head lightly. Picking up my Grimoire, I looked down at Mystic in confusion.

"What is it Mist?" I asked.

Mystic meowed at me, standing up on her hind legs and pawing at the Grimoire again. Mystic must want me to open the Grimoire, shrugging my shoulders I opened the book up. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when a envelope fell out of one of the pages.

Putting down the Grimoire, I picked up the envelope. I sat down beside Mystic as I looked over the envelope. Mystic meowed at me again before nudging my hand with her nose. I turned the envelope over as I began to open it, pulling out a piece of paper.

It was a letter, opening it up I began to read.

'Dear Doppelganger,

If you are reading this then that means you have taken the Elixir and you have become an enhanced doppelganger. Now you are probably wondering what that means and I'm going to tell you.

An enhanced doppelganger means, you have turned into an enhanced version of yourself. It gave you the powers of a vampire, meaning you will have to drink blood to sustain yourself and you will not age.

But you cannot be killed like any vampire by a wooden stake nor can you be killed with a white oak stake like an original.

Since the first immortal woman, Amara created the doppelganger bloodline and doppelgangers blood was used to create the vampires, when we all passed through you, it turned you into an enhanced or immortal version of yourself, nothing on this earth can kill you.

Your blood can be used to turn other supernatural creatures into enhanced versions of themselves, meaning they also cannot be killed by anything on this earth.

Witches will become enhanced heretics, hybrids and werewolves will become enhanced hybrids, vampires and original vampires will become enhanced vampires and so on.

Bites from a werewolf, hybrid or enhanced hybrids won't do anything to you or those you have turned.

I hope this has cleared up any confusion you had about what you are or have become.

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