Chapter Eleven - We are off to New Orleans

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Gilbert Family Lake House, Dunham Lake, July 28th 2012.

Elena's POV

"So basically we need to prepare to fight off a creepy ass coven?" Gabe asked, I nodded.

I had just gotten done telling Aims, Alex, Gabe and Jules about The Sacred Coven and what we needed to do.

"Ok well if we are going to do this, we need to get help from our pack" Alex said.

"And we will need to get our family's grimoire" Jules added.

"So who's up for a road trip to New Orleans?" Gabe asked before Aims turned sharply towards him.

"You guys are from New Orleans, that's where me and Alex are from" She replied, I stood up before clapping my hands.

"Well I guess we are off to New Orleans" I said.

We all began to pack our bags before we put them in the car, I had given the keys to the 56' Cadillac Eldorado convertible to Aims and Jules.

During the last week we have all gotten really close to the point that we see each other as family. I let Alex and Gabe in the back before I got into the car, placing Mystic in the passenger seat.

We then drove out of the lake house and onto the main road towards New Orleans. I looked back at Alex and Gabe.

"So we are going to get Gabe's and Jules grimoire first and then go find yours and Aim's pack?" I asked, Alex nodded.

"Yeah, hopefully our family grimoire is still there" Gabe replied.

"I just hope we don't run into the Mikaelsons" I said, Alex scoffed.

"If they so much as touch you Elena, I won't hesitate to find a way to kill them" Alex said before Gabe nodded.

"And I'll help" Gabe added, I rolled my eyes playfully.

In the few weeks that we were together, we've learned a lot about each other. For example Alex is gay, Gabe is straight, I'm pan and Aim and Jules are both Bi, also Aims and Jules have started flirting with each other. I'd give it two weeks before they start dating, they would make a cute couple. I also created rings based off of Jer's for Aims, Jules, Gabe and Alex, I wanted something to symbolize the new family that I had found so I created them rings. I was only planning on making four but ended up making five instead.

We entered New Orleans before Gabe told me directions in which to go, following said directions we came to a stop in front of an run-down house. Getting out of the car, we all walked inside. The house was old and worn down, some of the roof was missing and the windows were boarded up. 

Walking further into the house we all began to search a few rooms, before Alex spoke.

"We better hurry and find your family grimoire, this place looks like its going to collapse any minute"

"I've got it!" Jules exclaimed before we heard creaking, looking up we noticed the roof or what was left of it swaying.

"We've got to get out of here!" Aims shouted before we all ran out of the house.

We barely made it out before we all looked to see that the house had fallen in on itself. Gabe laughed before he looked at us.

"Well I guess our childhood home is gone" He said, we all chuckled.

"Well this is the first time that I have seen a doppelganger" A masculine voice said from behind us.

Turning around we were met with a man, he was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt.

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