Chapter Thirty Six - Welcome to Whitmore College

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, January 14th 2013.

Elena's POV.

It's been two weeks since I told Ric and Jo everything and we had Jer's funeral. We were sitting in the Mikaelson Mansion along with the rest of the guys, Ric and Jo. I looked at everyone, biting my lip as I wondered if I should tell them. I have been looking at applying for college and I had a look at some of the courses and I think I'm ready.

"Hey, I'm thinking of starting college, I've been looking at some courses and I think I'm ready" I said, everyone turned to look at me.

"That's great Elena" Jo said.

"I want to go to college too" Jules chimed in, Alex, Aims and Gabe agreeing with her.

"Josh and I can also apply for college too" Davina said.

"What college are you planning on going to?" Ric asked, I looked towards him.

"Whitmore, it was the college that my mum and Aunt Jenna went to" I replied, Ric nodded.

"That's good, I teach a class on Occult Studies there" Ric said.

"And I teach a class on Pre-med" Jo added.

"That's cool" Maria said.

"When are you thinking of applying? And what course are you thinking of taking?" Ric asked as he looked at all of us.

"I'm not sure, yet" I replied.

"Well Whitmore is actually holding a open day today, it starts at 9am. You guys can go and get a feel for the place, see what you guys want to study" Jo said, I smiled at her.

"That's great, we will definitely do that" I said, as everyone else nodded.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, quickly looking at the time. It was 8:50am, we had 10 minutes to get there.

"We can go now guys, it's nearly 9am anyways" I said, everybody nodded.

We all stood up and I grabbed Jo and Ric's arms as we all vamped to Whitmore College. I looked around the place in awe, the college was quite big and it was filled with students and teachers/professors. This is amazing. I looked at my phone to see it was 9am just now, I nodded at the guys telling them to follow me inside.

We walked into the College, noticing a lot of people inside. There was various stalls set up, showcasing different courses. I smiled as I looked around in awe. We all began to look at the various stalls they had displayed. I didn't know what I wanted to do but this seemed like a good chance to see what was out there.

I was standing at the side of a stall when I saw Maria looking around in awe, I smiled as I walked over to her.

"So, are you planning on applying for college aswell, Maria?" I asked, Maria jumped a little before she looked at me.

"I think I might actually" She replied, we turned when we heard footsteps approaching us.

We looked to see Davina, Aims, Jules, Alex, Gabe and Josh standing in front of us.

"Hey, Maria is also going to be applying here" I said, Davina smiled.

"That's great, then we could all dorm together" She said, Aims and Jules agreed with her.

"Well since they are rooming together looks like we I'm sharing a dorm with you guys because I'm not sharing a dorm with random people" Gabe said, turning to look at Josh and Alex, who shook their heads at his antics.

"Well, what are you thinking of studying Maria?" Aims asked.

"I'm thinking pre-med, you?" Maria replied.

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