Chapter Twenty Eight - The Morning After

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New Orleans, Louisiana, October 19th 2012.

Elena's POV.

 I woke up to strong arms wrapped around me, I turned slightly to see Kol. He was sleeping beside me, he looked so peaceful. I looked at him, lightly tracing his jaw line with my fingers.

"It's rude to stare, you know" Kol said, I smiled.

"You looked so peaceful and then you had to ruin it by speaking" I quipped back. Kol's eyes snapped open, glaring at me playfully.

Kol's phone buzzed on the bedside table, he slightly turned to see who it was. Turning back to look at me, he smiled.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"It was Freya, she said everyone should be back at half three. It's eight in the morning now," He replied, I nodded.

I giggled as Kol pulled me closer to him, nuzzling his face into my neck. I bit my lip as thoughts of what happened last night invaded my mind. I gasped as Kol sped on top of me, his lips brushing my ear lightly.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Last night," I replied, Kol faced me with a worried expression.

"You don't regret it, do you?" He asked, I pulled Kol closer to me.

"No, do you?" I whispered against his lips.

"God no" Kol replied, connecting our lips.

I moaned as Kol's tongue invaded my mouth. Kol groaned as my fingers ran through his hair, before pulling back. I looked at him confused.

"As much as I would like to continue this, your body needs to rest." Kol said, I nodded as I agreed with him.

Kol got off me as I bit my lip, watching him walk into his bathroom. I smiled as I heard the bath, I tried to get up from the bed but kept falling onto my back every time. I looked up to see Kol walk back into the room, I held my arms out as I made grabby hands.

"Kol help me, please" I said, Kol laughed as I glared at him.

"I don't see why you're laughing, this is your fault" I said as Kol sped towards me, picking me up effortlessly.

He sped us into the bathroom, placing me on top of the counter. Walking over to the bath, he turned it off.

"A bath should help with the ache" He said, vamping towards me and picking me up.

I sighed in relief when I was placed into the bath, the warm water soothing my aching muscles. I smiled when Kol climbed into the bath with me, pulling me back into him. I closed my eyes in peaceful bliss as Kol began to rub my thighs with his hands, I laid my head back onto his chest. I squealed when Kol dragged us under the water, coming back up after a few moments I wiped the water from my eyes.

Kol smirked at me before placing some shampoo into his hands, running his fingers through my hair as he began to shampoo it. I moaned at the sensation of his fingers massaging my scalp, biting my lip when I felt Kol pepper kisses along my shoulder.

"That feels good" I whispered, Kol smirked against my shoulder.

I turned around after Kol washed my hair, looking at him as I placed some shampoo into my hands and doing the same to him. Kol groaned as my fingers ran through his hair, massaging the shampoo into his scalp. Washing off the shampoo from Kol's hair, I smiled when he began to wash our bodies. Once finished we got out of the bath, wrapping our bodies in some grey towels and walked back into his room. I laughed when Kol sped me through to my room, waiting patiently as I grabbed some clothes and fed Mystic before vamping us back to his room.

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