Chapter Twenty Seven - Consume Me

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains mature scenes, please read at your own risk!

A/N: This is my first time writing a mature scene, so I apologise in advance if it's not great.

A/N Extended: This chapter might be a little long, so I apologise in advance for that as well.

New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18th 2012. 

Elena's POV.

I was going through my wardrobe, looking for something to wear for my date with Kol. I looked to my left, confused when I saw Mystic pawing at a piece of clothing in my wardrobe. I took out the piece of clothing that she was pawing at, grinning when I saw a short black jumper dress. It was perfect.

I bent down, picking up Mystic as I laid the dress on my bed. I kissed her head gently, lightly scratching behind her ears.

"Thank you Mystic" I said, placing her down on my bed.

I picked up the dress, taking it off the hanger and slipping it onto my body. I walked over to my dressing table before picking up my curlers and began to curl my hair. Once finished, I started on my makeup, lightly dusting my eyelids with some eyeshadow, I finished my look with some lip gloss. I walked over to my bed before putting on some knee high boots, standing up and looking at myself in the mirror, I smiled.

I turned to see Mystic was no longer in my room, she must've went downstairs. I walked out of my room, stopping suddenly when I bumped into somebody. Looking up, my eyes met Kol's dark ones. His eyes trailed down my body slowly before he groaned. I gasped when he pressed me against my door.

"You're killing me, darling" Kol whispered, his lips lightly brushing against mine.

"You like it?" I asked, biting my lip lightly

"I love it," Kol said, pressing me further into my door as he leaned down next to my ear. "But I'm going to love it even more when it's on my bedroom floor"

I moaned lightly when he kissed my neck. I looked at him through hooded eyes as he pulled away, I shook my head to get out of the daze I was in. I rolled my eyes when I saw Kol smirking.

"Come on, lets go downstairs" I said, nudging Kol's shoulder.

Kol laughed as we walked down the stairs and into the lounge. Elijah, Klaus, Maria, Hayley, Freya and Keelin were sitting down on the couches, I looked to them confused when I noticed the rest of the guys weren't there. I sat down next to Hayley, who was holding Hope.

"Where is everybody else?" I asked, Freya looked to me.

"Rebekah and Marcel, Davina and Gabriel as well as Josh and Alex and Jules and Aims are all out on dates" Freya replied, I nodded.

I watched as Elijah and Hayley stood up along with Freya and Keelin.

"Where are you guys going?" Kol asked.

"Hayley and I are going to go stay with her pack," Elijah said.

"And Keelin and I are going out" Freya added, before they all left.

I stood up when I noticed Klaus and Maria standing up.

"Maria and I are also going to be out, None of us will be back until sometime tomorrow, so try not burn anything down or get into trouble" Klaus said, before he vamped off with Maria.

I felt my phone buzz before I looked down at the messages, one was from Rebekah, one was from Gabe, one was from Aims and one was from Alex saying the same thing, that they weren't going to be back until sometime tomorrow. I turned to Kol who was grinning at me wickedly. I'm going to be alone with Kol the whole night. Just us. Alone at the compound, with no one else here.

Consume Me | KolenaWhere stories live. Discover now