Chapter Seventeen - Day out with Davina

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New Orleans, Louisiana, August 28th 2012.

Elena's POV.

It has been a few days since the party and I haven't stopped thinking about Kol, it was driving me insane. I couldn't figure out my feelings for him, I knew that I felt something for him but was it just lust or something more. I shook my head before running my hands down my face. My head snapped up when I heard footsteps coming closer, Davina ran in looking around the room frantically. I got up suddenly and walked towards her, placing my hands on her shoulders her widened eyes connected with mine.

"Davina what's wrong?" I asked, Davina shook her head.

"I need to talk to Klaus, do you know where he is?" She asked.

"He's out with Elijah, Kol, and Josh on business, why?" I replied.

"I got word from an anonymous person that a small group of vampires were plotting something against him" Davina answered, I swallowed as my eyes narrowed.

"Ok well, as you already know Klaus isn't here and neither is the rest of them but maybe I can help you," I began as Davina tilted her head in confusion.

"Did your source tell you where these vampires were holding up?" I asked, Davina nodded.

"Yes, they said they were staying in a small cabin in the woods, north of the Lafayette Cemetery"

"Ok well lets go" I said before walking out of the compound, Davina following behind me.

We were walking down a few streets when Davina turned to me.

"Why are you doing this? I thought you hated Klaus?" She asked, I chuckled.

"Believe me I don't exactly hate him, I don't particularly like him but I'm doing this for his daughter Hope" I said as I looked back at her.

"If you had asked me two years ago to help Klaus, I would've told you that I couldn't care less if he died but now that he has a daughter," I began clearing my throat slightly. "I don't want her to lose her parents, I lost my parents when I was 16 years old. I don't want Hope to feel the same pain that I felt."

Davina nodded. "I'm sorry about your parents."

"It's ok, on a different note, why are you helping Klaus?" I asked.

"Well I don't know if you've noticed but Klaus doesn't seem to trust me," She said.

"I've noticed" I replied.

"So when I heard about these vampires plotting against him, I don't know I thought if I told him that--" She began.

"He would trust you" I finished for her, she nodded.

"Well I think if you want to gain Klaus' trust first we should get rid of the people plotting against him and then tell him that we have thwarted a potential attack, that should be a start to get him to trust you" I said, Davina smiled.

We walked down a few more streets before we came to a stop outside Lafayette Cemetery, turning towards Davina I waited to see which way we were going.

"Ok so if we keep walking down this path in about twenty minutes we should come to a dirt path that will lead to the house they are in" Davina said as she pointed down the path.

I nodded before we began to walk down the path, just as Davina said in twenty minutes we came to a stop in front of a dirt path. I turned towards Davina and smiled.

"Let's go pay our friends a visit, shall we?" I asked as Davina laughed slightly before nodding.

We began to walk down the dirt path, looking around I noticed the path was lined with tall trees. Davina nudged my arm lightly before nodding her head. I looked up to see a small cabin, I placed my finger against my lips indicating for us to stay quiet. Davina nodded.

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