Chapter Three - Back to Mystic Falls I go

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Slidell, Louisiana, June 14th 2012.

Elena's POV.

Kai looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I glared at him. I was so angry that I was physically shaking, the anger overwhelmed me. Kai's face paled in an instant as I felt a surge of power go through my body before I lifted my hand up, I don't know what happened. One minute I was glaring at him the next I watched as his body fell to the floor, holding his once beating heart in my hand.

I dropped the heart as I looked at his dead body, oh my god! Did I do that? I moved closer to him, seeing if he was truly dead. I smiled as I grabbed the car keys from his jacket.

"That's for Jeremy" I whispered before jumping back as his body was engulfed in flames.

I ran out of the house and towards the car. Getting in I jumped as the entire house quickly became inflamed. Starting the car I drove out of there. Tears started to fall down my face as I drove onto the highway, quickly wiping them away I shook my head.

Don't feel sorry for the prick Elena, I scolded myself. I flicked on the radio as I sped down the highway. I looked and saw the clouds rolling in, I began to laugh hysterically as I continued to drive. Calming down, I rolled down the window as I propped my elbow out. I placed my other hand into my pocket of the hoodie before I felt a circular object.

Taking it out to take a closer look, I choked out a sob as my eyes landed on Jeremy's gilbert ring. Tears fell from my eyes as I began to repeatedly hit the steering wheel. Calming down I placed the ring on my thumb as I wiped the tears from face. I must've looked like a maniac.

I continued to drive down the highway as I neared Mystic Falls. Night had fallen as I drove into Mystic Falls, driving to the Salvatores I parked the car and turned it off as I slid down the chair and peeked out the window.

I ducked down quickly as I saw Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie and Damon walking out of the entrance.

"Come on we are going to be late for our reservation" Bonnie said, as I slowly peeked at them.

Both Stefan and Damon were in suits, Caroline's green dress hugged her body. Bonnie was wearing a blue silk dress as Damon held her hand. I watched as they vamp sped away, waiting a couple more minutes I started the car back up as I drove into the Salvatores.

I quickly parked the car outside the front door, I jumped out the car and ran into the house. Running up the stairs I opened my bedroom door, I sighed in relief as everything was left the way it was. I quickly began to pack all of my things from the room, I didn't know how long they were going to be gone for and I sure as hell didn't want to be here when they came back.

Once finished, I ran to Jeremy's room as I began to do the same to his. I pulled out his black denim jacket, my eyes burned with unshed tears as I quickly put it on before I finished packing all of his things. Shaking my head, I took one last look around his room before I ran back down the stairs and out the door.

I shoved the bags into the back seat as I hopped back into the car. I skidded out of their driveway so fast that I was sure that I had left tread marks, I ran my hand down my face as I continued to speed down the streets. I drove past my home as I looked at it, I smiled sadly as I began to think of all of the happy memories I had of that place.

Driving away I parked the car near the entrance to the forest. Turning off the car, I completely broke down. Sobs racked my body as I began to hit the steering wheel again. Why is my life such a mess? Why does this always happen? Why me?

I fell back against the seat as I leaned it backwards. turning to my side I curled my arm under my head. I looked at Jeremy's ring for a moment before I kissed it lightly.

"Goodnight Jeremy" I whispered softly.

The exhaustion was catching up to me as I closed my eyes, taking a quick nap.

I looked around and noticed that I was in the forest again. I looked around the forest for any sign of Katherine. My head snapped to the side as I saw her running right past me, I began running after her.

"Katherine!" I screamed as I tried to keep up with her.

I stopped when we came back to the clearing, I watched as Katherine bent down and smiled at a black cat. I observed them silently before I heard Katherine speak.

"I will need you to guide my doppelganger for me, she is to go on a powerful journey and she will need someone to help her"

The cat looked at Katherine before it turned to me. What did Katherine mean? The cat walked towards me before darting off somewhere, I looked back at Katherine but she was gone.

Shaking my head I turned to run after the cat, seeing its black fur through the trees. It stopped suddenly as I fell to my knees in front of it, I smiled as the cat came towards me and I began to pet its fur.

"What did Katherine mean? What powerful journey?" I asked out loud, the cat tilted its head to the side. It's green eyes looking over me.

Leaning my back against a tree, I watched as the cat climbed into my lap. I smiled as I looked down at the cat, continuing to stroke its fur.

"Was Katherine your owner?" I asked as the cat stood up and pressed it's paws against my chest.

I giggled as the cat began licking my nose, lightly scratching behind the cats ears the cat nudged its head against my hand.

"Why would Katherine leave you?" I pondered.

The cat looked at me for a moment before my head was thrown back against the tree, the cats green eyes being the last thing I saw.

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