Gilbert Family Lake House, Dunham Lake, June 16th 2012.
Elena's POV.
I looked around and noticed that I was in the same clearing as earlier.
"Hello my doppelganger" A voice said from behind me.
I quickly turned around to see Nora sitting on the stone slab, beckoning me over with her hand. I walked over before sitting down beside her.
"You can just call me Elena" I said as Nora nodded.
"As you wish, Elena" She replied.
"What happened to you?" I asked, Nora smiled sadly before looking at me.
"I'll tell you the story of what happened to me and why it happened" She said turning to face me.
"My mother Morgana Rosethorn was a witch coming from a very powerful bloodline. She was a part of a coven that's members were from powerful bloodlines only, this coven was called The Sacred Coven. They called themselves that as they wanted their bloodlines to be pure and not be tainted by any other species," She began as she looked at me.
"They didn't allow their members to mix with vampires or werewolves and especially not travellers. They were an absurd coven, to ensure that their bloodlines wouldn't be tainted, they had their members engage in arranged marriages. My mother was in an arranged marriage, and even with the strict rules that didn't stop my mother from falling in love with my father Pietro Petrova. A traveller"
"I am the offspring of a traveller and a powerful witch, and the coven couldn't have that. I was an abomination that was ruining their precious bloodline," She said, her eyes filling up with unshed tears as mine started to do the same.
"They killed my father and then they killed me. They murdered us because we were different, they saw us as a threat so they got rid of us"
I looked at her in disbelief as a few tears slipped down my cheek, chuckling she reached up with her thumb and wiped them away.
"Before I died I casted a spell to send my powers to my doppelganger." I looked at her confused. "You"
I shook my head, that can't be true. It's impossible.
"I can't be a witch" I said shaking my head.
Nora grabbed my face as my eyes met hers.
"But you are Elena, you were to come into your powers through strong emotion and you did," she said as I looked at her. "What emotion were you feeling?"
I bit my lip before I remembered what I did to Kai, I looked at her.
"Anger, the emotion I was feeling was anger. I was kidnapped by a siphoner witch for a year, I watched as he killed my brother." I explained as her hands fell from my face.
"He killed my brother so I killed him. I lifted my hand up and tore his heart from his chest and then engulfed his body in flames"
Nora nodded in understanding before she stood up her skirt swaying from the sudden movement. She turned to me as she smiled.
"I sent my powers to you and now you will have to learn how to control them, I sent Mystic I believe that's what you called her, to you to help you during this journey" She said as I stood up and looked at her.
"I will talk to you through dreams, good luck Elena," she said, smiling, "Your first lesson is to control fire and it starts now"
I woke up with a start as I looked around the room, I got out of bed and stretched. Smiling when I saw Mystic curled up at the bottom of the bed, I scratched behind her ear.
"Morning Mystic" I said before making my way into the bathroom.
Once finished, I quickly brushed my teeth before getting changed. I smiled as Mystic stood up and nudged her body against my legs, picking her up I kissed her head lightly.
"I guess today I'll be learning how to control fire," I said as I kissed her head again, "Are you going to help me, yeah come on then"
Walking out of the room, I made my way downstairs and towards the kitchen. I fed Mystic as I made some coffee before grabbing a mug from the cupboard. Filling up the mug with some coffee, I took a sip. I sighed as I looked down at Mystic.
"Love a good cup of coffee in the morning, don't you?" I said as I turned and walked into the lounge.
Placing my cup of coffee down on the table I grabbed a pillar candle off of the fireplace and placed it on the table. Looking at Mystic when she jumped up onto the table, I smiled.
"So I'm going to start simple and light this one candle and after I'll see if I can light the rest of them" I said as Mystic tilted her head.
Looking at the candle, I began to focus on the wick. Ok Elena just imagine the candle lighting up. I took a deep breath before I lifted my hands to the candle, imagining it lighting up. I gasped in shock as the candle was lit, grinning I turned to Mystic.
"I did it Mystic! I did it!" I exclaimed.
I turned back to the candle as I began to play about with the flame, after a few moments I stood up and looked around the room. Noticing the many pillar candles, I took a deep breath in before I lifted my hands again. I grinned as all of the candles were lit up with small flames. Picking up Mystic, I spun us around in a circle.
"I did it Mystic!" I squealed, kissing her head.
Placing her down I lowered the flames until they went out, I chuckled when my stomach growled.
"Looks like I'm in need of some food Mystic" I said, making my way into the kitchen.
Looking through the cupboards and and the fridge, I groaned in annoyance.
"I'll have to go to the store and get some food" I said, before walking to the front door and putting on Jeremy's denim jacket.
Bending down I scratched behind Mystic's ears lightly.
"I won't be too long"
Walking out the door, I locked it behind me. Quickly making my way to the car, I got in and began driving to the nearest store. Once there, I parked the car before grabbing a shopping cart and walking into the store. Getting all the necessary bits, I paid for the items before taking the bags to the car.
Driving out of the parking lot I made my way back home. Once I got home, I brought the bags of food into the house. Putting them away, I looked at the time to see that it was 1pm. Quickly making a sandwich I went and sat in the lounge, Mystic jumped up beside me.
Finishing my late lunch, I waved my hand and smiled when all of the candles were lit. Laying back on the couch, Mystic crawled onto my chest before she laid down.
"What do you think I should do now Mystic?" I asked as I looked at the lit candles.
I've already learned how to light them, I wonder if I can make a ball of fire appear. Moving Mystic as I got up I placed her back down on the couch, before making my way through the kitchen to get a bowl. Coming back into the lounge I placed the bowl in the middle of the table before I grabbed a few candles and placed them in a circle surrounding the bowl.
I sat cross-legged on the floor as I lifted my arms towards the lit candles, focusing on them making a ball of fire in the middle above the bowl. Little sparks came flying upwards before falling back down again, I groaned in frustration before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Stay calm Elena and try again.
Reopening my eyes I focused again, watching in awe as slowly but surely small sparks began to rise from the candles and met in the middle before creating a ball of fire above the bowl. I grinned as I stared at the ball of fire in amazement.
"I did it" I whispered before I dropped the ball of fire into the bowl.
Smiling I looked towards Mystic. I did it.

Consume Me | Kolena
FanfictionAfter catching Damon cheating on her with her best friend Bonnie, Elena gets kidnapped by the sociopath Kai. After a year she manages to escape and heads back to Mystic Falls where she finds out that she is a witch. When she learns to control her...