Chapter Twenty - The Sacred Coven: Part One

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New Orleans, Louisiana, September 17th 2012.

Elena's POV.

Walking into the lounge while carrying Mystic, I saw the Mikaelsons and the rest of the guys were sitting down on the seats. I sat down beside Aims, nudging her arm slightly she turned to look at me confused.

"I think it's time I tell them" I said before her face dawned in realisation.

"Tell us what?" Freya asked, I turned to face her.

"Tell you guys about how I became a witch" I said.

"I thought you were born one?" Josh asked, I shook my head.

"No I wasn't born a witch, I became a witch when one of my ancestors casted a spell in order for me to become a witch" I replied.

"Ok so tell us everything" Rebekah said.

I looked to Gabe, Alex, Aims and Jules before they each nodded their heads in reassurance. Taking a deep breath I looked back to the others as I began to tell them everything.

"It all started when I began to have dreams of a woman. At the beginning I thought the woman was Katherine because she looked exactly like me. During these dreams the woman would be running, this dream would be the same until earlier this year when Mystic started showing up in them along with her.

"After Mystic started showing up I would see the woman running until she would come to a stop in a small clearing where a stone slab would be placed in the middle. She would then hold her arms up and would scream an incantation, which I later found out was her sending me her powers. Her name was Nora and she was the offspring of a powerful witch and a traveller." I finished. 

"Do you know what happened to her?" Freya asked.

"Yes I do, she was murdered along with her father by a group of witches known as The Sacred Coven." I replied, Kol looked at me sharply.

"That's why you asked me if I knew anything about them." Kol said, I nodded.

"Yes I was able to communicate with Nora on a few occasions and she told me what she knew about them. It was the same as what you told me, she was killed because she was a traveller and a witch." I said.

"Who are The Sacred Coven?" Marcel asked.

"The Sacred Coven are a group of witches who all come from powerful bloodlines, they are very outdated and they didn't allow any of their witches to mingle with anyone other than powerful witches. They are creepy and all round evil" Kol replied.

"Kol's right, they would kill anyone who went against these rules, it's insane. My ancestor Nora was murdered by them for simply existing, I was told by her that I would need to prepare in order to defeat them, as they will have found out that I exist by now" I began, as I looked at all of them.

"I am not expecting you guys to help me if you don't want too, but if you do we will need to prepare as soon as possible for I have no idea when they will be coming" I added.

"Gabe, Jules, Aims and I have already agreed to help take them down" Alex said, looking at all of us. 

"I'll help you as well Lena" Davina said as she looked at me, I smiled. 

"Well since D said she is helping, I will as well" Marcel added.

"Me too" Josh said.

"Well I'm not going to say no to killing a bunch of witches," Klaus chimed in before looking at us.

"No offense" He added, I laughed.

"You have our support as well Elena" Elijah said, Freya, Rebekah and Hayley nodded in agreement.

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