1. Hi There

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Alison's POV
I see a girl with brown hair sitting alone at her desk. I decide to go up to her and talk to her.

"Hi, I'm Alison" I tell her and she smiles.

"I'm Olivia" Olivia tells me, what a pretty name. We talk and talk all day at school and grow really close. She just moved here and Olivia is a really cool girl. I made her a cute friendship bracelet and I made a similar one for myself.

"Here, we'll be friends forever." I tell her and she smiles big.

"Friends forever" Olivia agrees and I put the bracelet on her and she puts mine on me.

"Since you're my best friend now first rule. Telling each other secrets" That my favourite thing, secrets. They're just so cool to me.

"Deal" Olivia says and she tells me her secret about why she really moved here and it is huge. I am keeping it forever so she knows just how much secrets mean to one another.

Olivia's POV
I told Ali my secret about the real reason why my family and I moved here. My dad is actually in jail right now for killing someone. I'll probably never see him again and I really hate that. I have this huge trust feeling with Alison. She definitely seems like the perfect best friend.

This was just a cute little look on how Olivia and Ali became friends in grade 2. Is Olivia making a mistake on being friends with Ali or will this turn into something beautiful and just what the both of them need for each other? ❤️

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