9. The Trio At Its Finest

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Olivia's POV
CeCe, Ali and I are at Alison's place right now in her room just talking on Alison's bed and catching CeCe up on the Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer.

"Hanna actually stood up for Hermy Gross! She doesn't like him does she?" CeCe asks us and Ali and I look at each other.

"Maybe" We both say and CeCe's eyes go big.

"EWWWW!!" CeCe says loudly and we all laugh.

"We certainly made sure that people know what we're capable of though." I tell CeCe and she smiles proudly.

"That's my girls" CeCe congratulates and we all smile.

"We just wish you were there with us. You would've made an excellent shooter at our targets for us." Alison comoliments her

"If only the girls knew who you were but I gotta say it is fun having you as our little secret." I tell CeCe

"It's like having a secret twin." Ali says

"I am better at the firing at people than the both of you combined. You could learn a few things from me." CeCe informs us

"And that's why we need you. Plus you're just like us." I tell her

"Nothing could ever keep us three apart." Ali says proudly and puts her arms around CeCe and I.

"Absolutely nothing" CeCe joins in

"Not even a bomb could keep us apart." I continue and we all smile and just laugh together. I love these girls so much.

Thought I'd throw that in there. There's going to be more CeCe moments. ❤️

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