4. Let Us Be Alone

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Ali's POV
Liv and I are with Hefty Hanna at the moment because she practically begged us too hang with her. She wouldn't stop texting us in the group chat. All the other girls are busy and personally I just wanted to be with Olivia but nope, Hefty Hanna had to barge in and ruin everything like always. I really should dump her at some point.

We're all at Olivia's place right now because she has a pool and a hot tub because it's still hot out even though it's September. We're in her kitchen and Hanna picks up a cookie.

"Are you really going to eat that sweetie?" I ask her and Hanna clamps up.

"She's being a friend Han, don't get so fidgety." Liv stands up for me. I love her the most.

"Exactly, just put it down ok. Don't want to be a big girl right?" I ask her and she quickly puts it down. Liv and I look at each other while Hanna looks down and we smile at each other.

"Do you guys want to go to the mall?" Hanna lamely asks

"That's so lame Hanna, be serious for once ok." I tell her and Liv sparks up.

"Or how about we watch 'The Kardashians'." That's my favourite girl

"What a great idea Livie!" I agree with her and she smiles and we sit on the couch together and turn on the show. We notice Hanna hasn't sat down yet because she is still eating the cookies. "Just bring them over and sit." I tell her and she quickly runs over here and doesn't even focus on the show. Olivia and I are sitting next to each other whereas Hanna is sitting on the far left of the cornered couch.

"When can we leave her out of the group? She's so annoying and to much of a follower, it's creepy." Olivia smartly brings up

"Not yet but we will at some point. We need to make sure she feels important here. Than cut her off" I whisper to Olivia and she smiles in agreement. We look at Hanna and giggle.

"What's so funny?" Hanna asks "Nothing!" We both say and roll our eyes.

Damn Ali and Olivia, they are so much alike aren't they? For the record this is no where NEAR like me and Olivia is not my name. This is just a fan fiction. Keep that in mind❤️

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