23. Double Date

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Alison's POV
Liv and I are with our secret boyfriends right now, Liv's Luke and Ian is mine.  That's right, I got him now.

"Alison can I speak with you in private?" Liv asks me as we are sitting in a restaurant in town that non of the girls go too. "Sure" We go to the bathroom and she looks at me with open eyes.

"Ian, Alison, seriously" Olivia says in a shocked but yet quiet tone.

"I know but this will just make Spencer and Melissa riled up. It's all for fun I promise. Nothing serious, plus I'll put him in jail." I explain to her honestly.

"Fine but this still grosses me out. I can't believe you're doing this." Olivia says as we walk out of the bathroom and back to the boys. Olivia sits next to Luke as he puts his arm around her.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Luke asks us

"A week" Ian and I both say and Olivia looks at me bug eyed again. "Sorry" I mouth

"So Ian, don't hurt her please. I will hurt you if you do. That's a promise I will keep." Olivia threatens him as I look at him.

"I promise she is safe with me." Ian promises her

"Yeah right" Olivia says and I kick her in the ankle. "Owe!" She says as she looks at me pissed.

"Anyways, how is field hockey going girls?" Luke asks Olivia and I. "Our team is winning every game so far this season." Olivia informs him "My girl the super star." They kiss and I roll my eyes.

"Spencer keeps trying to hog the whole game though." I mention and Olivia nods in agreement. "She never passes, ever and the coach always gets mad at her for it." Olivia says to them

"Sounds like a real problem." Ian says sarcastically and I kick him in the shins. "Owe, Alison!" He wines

"Oh don't be a baby." I tell him off "It makes us work harder to win though." I point out with Spencer's competitiveness.

"And that is why we have her." Olivia says as we clink our drinks together.

"So you're using her just for a game in life?" Ian asks us "Pretty much, try it some time Ian." I suggest to him

"It brings joy to your body. Trust us" Olivia convinces him

"Aren't our girls something else Ian?" Luke asks him as he kisses Liv's cheek. "Oh that reminds me, I have something for you. Just a little thank you for everything." Luke reminds himself

"Luke don't be too cheesy." I tell him and he rolls his eyes, damn. Luke brings out a silver bracelet with her name on it and a pink dangling heart attached.

"I love you" Luke tells her and Olivia gets red faced. "I love you too, thank you. This is so sweet" Liv thanks him as he puts it on her right wrist.

"For my special girl" He says to her as he rubs the back of her head and I turn to Ian.

"Did you get me anything?" I ask him as I put my elbow on my table and rest my cheek on my hand. Ian smirks and I look at him shocked.

"Huh no, we just started going out. Chill out Alison" Ian says very rudely too me and I look down embarrassed. Damn it

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