3. Private Sleepover

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Alison's POV
I just wanted to have a sleepover with just Olivia today because she's my favourite out of all the girls.

"So the girls so far? How did we do?" Olivia asks me

"Emily is perfect, she is such a pleaser and she will listen to anything we say and agree with us always. Hanna is a toss up I like her but she's too shy. Aria is pretty weird but she makes our group unique. Spencer is so annoying but it's fun to have someone to compete with. We did excellent" I explain to her and we cheers our drink and take a sip.

"I completely agree with you Ali. I will say I do miss it just being us two though." Olivia reveals to me and I feel the same way about that.

"I feel that too, we used to just have us be together all the time and now they always want to join us. Especially Hanna" I tell her

"Yeah, remember last week when we were planning our weekend trip in front of the girls but still whispering and Hanna barged in the conversation. It was pretty rude" Olivia reminds me

"Well she mainly does that because she's afraid we're gonna dump her. Which she should be afraid." I smile and so does Olivia.

"Besides if it came down to it I think you and I would just need each other." Very true, she's not wrong at all.

"I completely agree with you." We continue by talking about the latest gossip and boys. We both have secret boyfriends that the girls don't know about and it's so fun hiding it from them. I love this

Well these two have secrets together don't they. They are also exactly alike. Well they did grow up together. ❤️

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