14. Helping Each Other Out

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Olivia's POV
Ali just texted Noel Kahn's current girlfriend a fake text at Hanna's party so Aria can finally ask Noel out. We're watching the scene unfold as it happens and boy is it juicy.

"That's it Noel, we're over." The girl tells him and she walks away.

"What?" Noel asks her and notices all 6 of us behind him and looks directly at Ali and I. "Happy now?" Than he just walks away

"What happened?" Emily asks us "Ali and I just put Noel Kahn back on the market." I explain to her

"How broke them up?" Aria asks "We broke them up, aren't you still crushing on him Aria?" Ali questions

"What's with the tude guys? We did it for Aria. We only kill when we need food or when we're bored." Ali explains and rolls her eyes when the girls don't realize the fun. "Come on Olivia, let's get some drinks." Alison grabs my hand and we walk over to the drinks and whisper.

"Ok what is up with them today?" I ask Ali "I know right, Aria finally has a chance with him and because of our help." Alison agrees

"So ungrateful, you know we do a lot for them that they don't realize." I point out to her. "True, they wouldn't even been known like they are in this town if it wasn't for us. Cheers to us Livie" We cheers and smirk together.

"Also when we're in a group together it's always we never I. That's how it goes and they just don't understand that." I mention to Alison "And that's why you're my favourite because you do get that."

I really hope the girls come around for once and realize just how much we care for them. How much we actually want to help them but they still don't trust us. I don't blame them for not trusting us though. I mean come on, it's Ali and I.

Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while. Alison and Olivia back at it again. ❤️

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