26. Mall and Notes

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Olivia's POV
CeCe and I are together at the mall because Ali is sick right now. I figured I would give her a feel better basket. CeCe also wanted to get Ali her favourite chocolate as well.

"Watch out, Hanna alert" CeCe warns me and we try and walk away but Hanna comes running to us, very loudly like a 6 year old.

"Hey Olivia, who's this?" Hanna asks me, crap what do I do? I look at CeCe as a sign for her to walk away and she gets it.

"None of your business Han, what are you doing here?" I ask her "My mom wanted me to get more bra's. I haven't found any my size yet." What a shocker "Oh ok, well I gotta go Hanna. See you at school tomorrow." I try and get away.

"Ok but why won't you tell me who that was?" Hanna asks me "I have other friends to not just you guys. See ya" I roll my eyes at her and she finally walks away and gets the hint.

"Wow, she really is clingy." CeCe realizes "You have no idea" I reply to her and after we get Ali's things we leave in her car and get to Alison's.

"Knock knock" CeCe says at Alison's closed bedroom door. "Come in" She says and we both enter. "Hey girly, feel better gifts." CeCe mentions and Alison blushes. "Awe girls, you didn't have too." She tells us

"Yes we did, you are never sick. It's a rare thing for you. Also we ran into Hanna." I slip in and she looks at CeCe. "With you there?" She checks

"Yup, of course she had no idea who I was. I'm your guys' secret weapon. She freaked out and kept asking questions. Liv tried to get her away but it took a bit of work." CeCe informs her

"I am not the one bit surprised." Alison replies "Anyways, I also got you the book you asked for." I give her 'The Catcher In The Rye' and she beams up. "Thank you, I can't wait to read this." Alison says and hugs me.

"Who wants a drink?" CeCe asks us "Me!" Ali and I say in unison. "I'll get the drinks" She says and Ali motions me to sit next to her on her bed.

"I got a note from -A." Ali whispers to me and I look at her with a slight fear. She hands the piece of paper to me and I unfold it.

'Bitches get buried -A' I look at her scared and grab her hand. "Does this -A person really want to kill you?" I ask her "I think so, CeCe still has no clue so don't mention them to her." Alison warns me and CeCe comes in.

"Alright here we go, let's get this party started. Here's too Ali!" We cheers our drinks and start drinking. As we drink Ali and I look at each other secretly.

Is Ali going to die tonight?

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