16. The Frat Party

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Olivia's POV
We're at the college frat party right now and Ali hands the girls their fake ID's of course I already have one.

"Ali you are a bad ass." Hanna whispers

"Did you make these?" Emily asks her

"Where did you get this picture of me I look like my mother?" Hanna you are so dumb. "That is your mother" Ali tells her and we show the security guard our fake IDs and he barely even looks at them.

"So you guys can thank us later." Ali tells them and her and I try and walk away but Aria stops us so we turn around.

"Wait! So what do we do now?" Aria asks us "Act your new age" I tell them and we turn around and see Spencer's sisters, Melissa's, new boyfriend Ian Thomas.

"Hey Spence isn't that your sisters new boyfriend?" Aria asks her and Ali and I look at each other and roll our eyes.

"He's kinda cute, so is his friend." Hanna grossly says "Easy, he's a little bit old for you." Emily warns her

"Not tonight because I'm 26." Hanna squeals "Put that away" Ali demands her

"Yeah and Hanna relax it's just an age. Not some crazy jewel" I point out to her which makes Ali laugh and I smile.

"And take a math class you're 21." Spencer informs her

"Looks like Mr. Melissa is given Miss Roman coke a special tour." Alison says

"Maybe he's just taking her to the bathroom?" Hanna wonders

"Or finding an empty room so she can lie down." Emily says "Yeah on top of her." I joke and the girls spin their heads to me except Ali.

"What guys? Look I don't know about you vest of virgins but Olivia and I are here to make some memories. Let's divide and conquer and meet back here at midnight." Alison says

Alison and I are hanging out around some guys and I get a text.

"Damn, talk about ice cold bitches you two. Be nicer to your friends." Kisses -A and I go to Ali and show her the text.

"Where is that bitch?" I ask her and we look around and a lot of people are on their phones.

"Whatever just ignore it" Ali tells me and I do that.

Alison and I find the girls and we are both confused, well sort of.

"What's going on, what happened?" Ali asks them

"You missed it? Where were you?" Aria questions her "That girl that was with Ian she..." Aria tries to say but Emily interrupts her.

"She fell down the stairs and it was terrible and..." Than Hanna interrupts Emily

"Can we just tell them on the bus?" Hanna suggests

"Note to self, don't drink and dive." Ali jokes

"If my mom find out I was here I'm going to be grounded until I'm 50." Emily panics

"Guys, if we run away like babies we'll definitely be questioned." I tell them and Ali and I go talk to the cops.

"Excuse me, my friends and I had the mistake of having a little drink before we ate and none of us feel comfortable about getting behind the wheel. Can we trouble you for a ride back to Rosewood?" I ask the cop and he let's us go in. While Ali gets the girls I get in the car.

Quite a frat party huh? Love Ali so much though. What a queen❤️

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