27. Hanna's Grandma

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Alison's POV
"So you don't have favourite kids but I think that's a lie." I tell Regina Marin and she gives me a stern look but I just smirk.

"Honey, if I would have a favourite one of them would not want to be in contact with me as much." Regina tells me

"You would disown them though right? I mean it's always a tempting thought, it has to be." I go on and test her as she leans in front of me on the counter and practically breathes on my face.

"I don't own anybody there was a war that took care of that, read a book." Regina fights back

"I'm curious though too, I mean not every child is perfect." Olivia teams with me and I see her look at Hanna with a smirk. Thank you Olivia

"No that's true but they are my children." Regina agrees with Olivia

"I mean, if a child of your's was a murderer or sold a family heirloom for drugs, would you than?" I continue

"Well then yes I would. Our family tree would get some serious pruning." She replies

"Alison, Olivia can I talk to you?" Spencer asks us and we roll our eyes as she walks out the backyard.

"We'll be right back" Olivia tells Hanna and Regina as we walk outside and close the door.

"What the hell you two? What was that?" Spencer yells at us in a harsh whisper.

"Just getting to know Hanna's sweet family." Olivia answers her sarcastically

"Oh please, you two are always up to something without telling us first. What is it this time?" Spencer questions us more

"Spence, you worry too much. Just take a breath and stop acting like such a fun killer ok." I demand her "But..." Spencer starts and we laugh together as we walk back in the house.

"Everything alright dear's?" Regina asks us "Yeah, you know us girls. Always stuff going on" I reply and Olivia and I smile at each other as Spencer comes back in the house and almost slams the door and we giggle together.

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