13. 2 Blondes and 1 Brunnette

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Alison's POV
Olivia, CeCe and I are at the Rosewood mall at the moment and we have done so much clothes shopping because we desperately needed to get a new wardrobe change. The girls and I decide to get smoothies and we just sit down at the food court and sit and talk.

"So how's everything going with Hanna?" CeCe checks up with us.

"She's slowly getting better which makes us want to keep her in. Sometimes she gets annoying but she's starting to realize that she needs to mature up more." I explain to CeCe

"That's good news, I thought you were getting rid of her though?" CeCe reminds us and Olivia and I look at each other.

"Well not just yet because we have a strong feeling the girls were going to stand up for her. So we're just going to find more ideas to get the rest of the other girls annoyed at Hanna with us. Just so they have our back." Olivia explains perfectly to CeCe.

"Ahhhh, I've taught my girls wisely. They still don't know about me right?" CeCe questions us "Don't worry they have no idea who you are or that you exist." I relax her and CeCe smiles.

"Perfect, I feel like they will just never like me and I just don't have time for their energy personally." CeCe tells us

"We feel you sometimes, that's why we hang out with you more because you're so much more chill." Olivia tells her and we all cheers our drinks together at the same time with smiles. As she says that my phone goes off and I check it and it's a text from Hanna, of course.

"Speaking of Hanna" I say to the girls and they roll their eyes.

Hey are you free to hang? I'm bored and I miss you. - Hanna

I roll my eyes because I literally saw this girl yesterday. I have a life you know Hanna, you guys aren't my only friends.

Can't girl, I'm busy - Alison

I turn off my phone, fully off and put it in my Gucci purple purse.

"Hey are you guys free to come to a frat party with me next weekend? Just you two" CeCe asks us

"I'm free" Olivia says "Me too" I reply and CeCe smiles big and texts us the details and we save them in our calendar.

"Queen's rising together, stronger than ever. I love you my bad bitches, cheers." CeCe tells us and we all smile big and proud.

"We love you too CeCe." Livie and I say at the same time and cheers with CeCe up in the air and sip our smoothies. Than my phone goes off and it's a text, from -A.

Seems like you queens are having fun abandoning your friends. How would they like to know what you two have been up too with CeCe? They might find out that you talk trash about them behind their backs. You nasty bitches Kisses -A

I look at Olivia and she got the text too. We still haven't told CeCe about the texts yet because we don't know how to tell her. What do we do?

I realized I haven't done a text in a while. What do you guys think of my -A texts? Are they good? ❤️

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