11. Brother's & Sisters Fight Sometimes, You Know

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Alison's POV
Jason finds me in the backyard and he is so mad at me. I think he knows I stole his porn books.

"Alison! Alison hey! Damn it Alison, come here! Come here, stop messing with my stuff alright. You and the power puff girls just stay out of my room." Jason yells at me

"Excuse me, Jason but leave Ali alone ok." Olivia sticks up for me and I look at her and wink with a smile. Of course Emily gets all jealous with that look at Livie.

"Stay out of this Olivia!" Jason yells at her "Hey don't talk to her like that Jason." I threaten him and he rolls his eyes.

"Besides, what are you afraid I'd find in there?" I get inside his head. "Look, just stop messing with people." Jason fires back

"No challenge with you and your little stoner buddies. All you need is something shiny on a piece of string." I joke and the girls all laugh. I turn to them with a smirk and say, "Watch him ladies, he's got trouble with doorknobs." After I say that Jason walks in the house and slams the door. I sit next to Olivia and we smirk at each other.

"What's wrong with Jason?" Aria wonders and I laugh. "He just thinks I stole one of his Japanese cartoon porn books." I inform her

"Did you?" Hanna asks me "Of course I did" I reply, proudly

"Aren't you afraid he's going to rip apart your room?" Emily asks me

"Wouldn't do him any good. I have hiding places all over the house, in the yard too. When I hide something, it stays hid. Until I want it found. That's why your secrets are all so safe with me." I inform them and they smile at me impressed. Than we hear glass shattering in the house and it's obviously Jason and we just die of laughter.

I always loved that scene. It was such a relatable sibling moment between Jason and Alison. Also sorry I haven't posted this book in like a month. ❤️

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