10. CeCe's Party

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Olivia's POV
Ali and I are at Spencer's and we both get a text from CeCe and we make sure Spencer isn't looking.

Hey girl, you want to come to this party tonight? There'll be cute frat boys there. - CeCe

Ali and I look at each other and wink as in yes and look at Spencer and she's flipping through the movies on her bed. We both text CeCe back saying.

We'll be there

Than we instantly get texts from CeCe again.

Perfect I'll pick you guys up where are you? - Cece

At Spencer's here's the address. - Olivia (Sends link to address)

Thank you I'll honk when I'm there. - CeCe

"So we can go classic with, 'When Harry Met Sally', we can watch, 'The Notebook', for the millionth time..." Spencer suggests

"I don't care you choose." Ali says and I try not to laugh. While Alison puts on her nail polish on her toes Spencer notices her ankle bracelet.

"That's really pretty" Spencer compliments

"Hm, don't you love finding new places to where jewelry?" Ali asks her "I'm never taking it off."

"Who gave it to you?" Spencer asks her "No one special" It was CeCe who gave it to her. I was with them when it happened. CeCe gave me a bracelet version of it. I wore it yesterday

"Just one of those nameless, faceless revolving door of boyfriends who adore you?" Spencer jokes and Alison looks up at her.

"No, just a friend" Ali tells her

Alison and I finish getting ready just in time because CeCe texted us saying she's here.

"Sorry Spence, hope you forgive us." I tell her and Spencer looks up at us and notices we're about to leave and starts to look pissed.

"We're going out" Alison says excitedly and takes her robe and shows her pink see through, floral pattern dress. I'm wearing just a light blue skin tight dress.

"Are you guys kidding?" Spencer asks offendedly

"My friends has a guy who can get us ID's. Going to a party to pick them up and than I'll be back." Ali lies to her, we aren't bringing her.

"This is so typical of you two. Every time we make plans if something better comes along you totally ditch me." Spencer stands up for herself.

"Spence quit being so lame." I tell her

"Yeah, why are you spazzing? I'm making sure we have the best summer ever. Instead of languishing at the kiddy table we'll be mixing up on futons with frat boys." Ali tries to convince her. We finish putting on our makeup and are about to walk out the door.

"We gotta go, our friends here." I inform Spencer

"Which friend?" Spencer asks "You don't know her" I tell her and we wink at her and leave.

When Alison and I get to CeCe's car we both giggle and I get in the front seat and Ali sits in the middle in the back.

"We ditched her" I tell her

"Mama's proud of you girlies. What was her face like?" CeCe asks us and I demonstrate which makes us laugh. We tell CeCe to drive before Spence has time to look out the window.

"They have to know where we are going at all times. It's really creepy and weird." Alison mentions

"Don't they have a life by trying to get into our personal lives?" I ask and we all laugh because we know the answer.

"So is Luke going to be there Olivia?" CeCe asks me

"He is, I told him to meet me at the front door of the house." I inform her

"You two are so cute." CeCe says

"I can already picture you're guys' beautiful wedding." Ali imagines and we all laugh.

When we get to the party there's Luke at the front door like we said.

"There he is Livie, go get him." CeCe says in a flirt way. I quickly go up to him excitedly and my heart starts to flutter every time I'm near him. Luke pulls me in by taking my hand and takes both of them now and kissing me gently.

"Hey Liv, I'm glad you came. It makes this party a lot more fun when you're here." Luke tells me and it makes me blush and smile.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I tell him and we kiss some more.

"Wanna find a room?" He asks me

"Yes I do" I tell him, this would be our third time having sex and he is amazing and so gentle. Luke is the whole package of a perfect, fairytale boyfriend.

Thought I'd put Luke in the party too. Hope you guys liked this chapter. What do you think about Olivia? ❤️

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