21. The Locker Room

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Alison's POV
Liv and I are at the beach in our matching pink bikinis laying on our towels and soaking in the sun. When I remember that I haven't told her about Em and I talking in the locker room.

"Oh I totally forgot!" I say to her as I turn to my girl. "What's up?" Liv says as she looks at me.

"So Emily and I were in the girls change room at school and I was changing after a shower. I asked her to hook my bra and she kissed my neck." I say in a whisper. Liv's eyes go big

"You're kidding right?" She asks me and I shake my head no. "I wish I was, let's hope she doesn't leave the group now." I tell her

"She's not going anywhere, Emily's our favourite. She does everything we ask her too." Liv is correct on that.

"Yeah, almost like she doesn't have any guts. How does Ben handle that with him being a tough guy act?" I wonder and Olivia looks at me confused to agreeing.

"Actually yeah, you're right, I'm calling him." Olivia sparks up and I am surprised.

"Why?" I ask her "Because to know if he really likes her." Actually that's a smart idea. "Do it" I allow and she calls him on speaker and he picks up quick.

"Olivia hey! What's up?" Ben asks and we roll our eyes. "Are you sure you're not fake dating Emily?" She asks him

"No no, I am for real dating Emily. She's cool" Ben answers

"You're sure on that?" I ask him "Oh, hey Alison, yeah 100%." Ben continues with his truth.

"Ok, fine by Ben" We say in a flirty way. "Bye" He says confused and hangs up.

"I can't believe it" Ali says "I know, he actually likes her. What a crazy world we live in. Pinch me if it's real." I joke and Ali does. "Holy shit it is" We laugh our asses off and look for new outfits because we brought magazines with us. They are really dating

Sorry for the spam on this book I am trying to get it finished.

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