12. The Annoying Pigskin

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Olivia's POV
Hanna, Aria, Ali and I are all at Spencer's and Emily is out at swim practice at the moment. Does that girl ever have fun?

"That looks amazing Spencer, he Ali look at that top!" Aria says in excitement

"Sweet, I'll trade you" Ali notices, impressed "Why?" Spencer asks her and Ali rolls her eyes.

"Come on hun, that's not the part you want to advertise. Show off those Hastings legs!" Spencer looks at her annoyed. "Come on let me try it on. Please" Alison demands and Spencer gives in and takes off the top and gives it to Alison.

"Ouch! Ali how'd you get that?" Hanna asks her when she sees the bruise on Alison's back that 'pigskin', Paige McCullers, gave her in soccer practice.

"How'd I get what?" Ali asks and looks at her back and realizes. "Oh, that yeah, yeah I fell down in soccer and 'pigskin' kicked me." She explains

"Who's 'pigskin'?" Aria questions "She's just this freak-a-zoid in my gym class. Don't worry, it won't happen again." Exactly right Alison

"Wait is that the girl who threw that muffin at you?" Hanna asks her "No that triple nipple, she's harmless. 'Pig skin' is psychotic" Ali replies

"Like those clowns in horror movies." I joke and everyone laughs, including Alison.

"Why do you call her 'pig skin'?" Spencer questions

"Because she's got these weird bumps on her thighs. I mean she says it's eczema but I'm like honey, you better stop poking yourself below the equator." Alison jokes

"Wait who is this person? What's her real name?" Aria asks "No need to know everything Aria." I tease her and Ali smirks but Aria rolls her eyes.

"Doesn't matter, once I'm done with a that no neck bitch, she won't even exist. Looks like we've got a winner, sorry Spence." Alison tells Spencer

Of course Olivia already knows about Paige McCullers. By the way I do not like Paige. ❤️

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