8. The Day At The Lake

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Alison's POV
Before the girls get to my place to go together to the lake Olivia is here first because we had a sleepover this whole weekend since Friday and it's now Sunday. What can I say, she is my favourite. Sorry Em

"We need to make a few enemies today Livie. So people realize what we are capable of and so they won't think we're not strong enough. You in?" I ask her, she better be she doesn't have much of a choice anyways to be in this or not.

"Hell yeah, those bitches won't see it coming." Olivia gets in and I smile big at her and she smiles back.

We changed at my house, well except Hanna of course. We get to the lake and see literally all the perfect targets.

"This is a perfect turnout." Olivia whispers in a ready tone way. It's like she was reading my mind.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." I tell her and we sit down with the girls.

"I wish we could just choose the age we wanted to be in. Just stay there" Aria wishes

"The only way to do that is to die young. Leave a beautiful corpse" I tell her

"Don't joke" Emily gets annoyed

"It's not a joke, oh come on. Haven't you guys ever thought about how deliciously tragic it would be to die in some, incredibly mysterious way? That would be superior" I mean it would be a good story telling.

"It would, you could have everyone talking about you even after you were gone. No one would ever forget about you." Olivia perfectly agrees with me.

"Exactly Livie" I say and we smile.

"Is that really how you want to go guys?" Spencer asks us "Not just yet" I reply

"Don't talk like that" Hanna chimes in "It's gruesome" Aria continues

"It's not gruesome, it's immortality my darling." I say

While talking we notice Jenna at the barbecue staring at us.

"God, Jenna the jerk is looking at us." I point out, Jenna is such a creep.

"She always follows us around like a puppy. It's like she has nothing better to do in life because she doesn't." Olivia rightfully says

"That's a very second string crowd she's with." Aria mentions and she's not wrong. Jenna really shouldn't be in there, she's just making a fool out of herself.

"Why doesn't she just take her deedless gang and go home instead of creeping me out." I wonder, Jenna is extremely creepy.

"Jenna's here, where's Toby?" Emily asks us

"Out in the woods, sacrificing squirrels." I joke and we all laugh except Spencer. Spencer has no humour I swear.

"Don't you ever get tired of shooting at the low hanging fruit?" Spencer metaphor's

"Don't ruin a perfect day Spencer." I beg her "It is perfect" Hanna agrees and Olivia smiles at Hanna only to make her think that she's good with us and Hanna smiles back. Smart Livie

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