20. Pigskin

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Olivia's POV
Alison and I are with CeCe in her car and I am in the back while the girls are in the front and we fix our makeup. We stopped at a store and once we were done we decided to talk in the car for a bit.

"Ok, so I snuck into Emily's bedroom and stole some of her stationery." Alison catches CeCe up "Ah, love it!" CeCe says "And I wrote pigskin a super steamy note. Think moist" Ali continues and I laugh.

"Ok I just through up a little in my mouth." CeCe says "We do that anyways when we look at pigskin." I add and is three laugh.

"And I told her that I was dating this guy that was having some serious hot fantasies about her and needed to know if she felt the same way." Ali says maniacally

"Mama's proud but Emily is going to crucify you." CeCe says

"Oh please, Emily can barely hit a person hard enough." I tell them

"True, she acts as if she's this big swimmer but that's all it is an act." Alison agrees "Also, she's clueless, I told Paige that she can't email or text me because my boyfriend's suspicious." Ali adds

"Does Emily even have a boyfriend?" CeCe jokes "Is that her?" She asks and we turn around and Ali and I duck down.

"That's her! Get down!" Ali says "You guys get down, she doesn't even know me." CeCe's not wrong there, pig skin goes off her bike and starts putting the note under the sign.

"What is she doing?" CeCe asks "I told her to leave that note under that sign." Ali explains and gets out of the car as CeCe and I look at each other proudly and watch.

"This is going to be fun." I tell CeCe "You said it" She agrees, pig skin notices Ali walking to the sign and turns around. As soon as Alison grabs the letter pig skin tries to grab it from her but Ali is faster than her.

"No no no no" We hear pig skin say and CeCe and I laugh. "Do you want me to deliver this to Emily? I probably should since I was the one that wrote to you. Should I open it here? Or should I just forward it to daddy? Is he still that big old decant at the church?" Ali pulls pigskin's chain

"Give it to me" Pigskin says quietly and Ali laughs. "Awe, why should I? I'd much rather watch your daddy blow up when he finds out you want to slip into..." We quietly hear Ali

"GIVE IT TO ME!!" Pigskin screams "Damn" CeCe and I say at the same time.

"Think again pigskin, I own you now." Ali threatens her and starts walking fast back to the car as pigskin is pissed than ever and CeCe and I just laugh. As Ali gets in the car we smile at her.

"Drive, drive!" Ali says loud and CeCe starts going.

"Well she won't be bothering us anymore." I mention as we get away from her.

"Not at all, it worked well I hope." Ali agrees and we high five.

What a great day

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