6. Secret Lovers

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Olivia's POV
Today is the day Ali gets to meet my secret boyfriend, Luke. I really hope she likes him but not too much.

I'm driving to the Rosewood Grill with Luke because that's where we're meeting Ali. When we get there and wait for her at an outside table he starts to look nervous, I can tell because his hand is shaking.

"Luke you don't have to be nervous. I should tell you that Ali will probably threaten you to not hurt me. Only because we're so close. She's the number one person I need in my life. Sorry" I tell him honestly and he laughs.

"I get it, you two have known each other for forever. It's quite understandable as to why you would need her the most." Luke agrees and I smile at him and kiss his cheek which makes him smile.

"Already you guys are being gross." Ali jokes and I laugh. I stand up and hug her and she hugs me back.

"Ali this is Luke, my boyfriend, Luke this is Ali, my best friend." I introduce them to each other. They shake hands and smile at each other.

"Oh just so you know if you hurt her you better watch your back." Alison threatens him of course and I love her for it. She's the best friend I could ever ask for.

"Understood, so best friends since forever. You mind telling me all of Olivia's secrets that I don't know about." When he says that Ali and I look at each other and roll our eyes.

"Yeah no, secrets are secrets. It's what keeps us close." Ali informs him

"Gotcha, fair enough, so Olivia tells me you and her both play field hockey together. Which helps you two spend even more time together. So you guys are basically never apart. What do you guys have a sleepover every weekend or something too?" Luke jokes

"Actually yes, what's the problem with that?" Ali asks him and he stops laughing.

"Nothing" He says shyly

When we are done Ali and I decide to go to the mall and while shopping at Victoria Secret I decide to ask her this.

"So what did you think of Luke, Ali?"

"He seems good for you. I have no problem with him. Nice fishing out in the sea, excellent catch." Ali metaphors and I smile and she smiles back.

"Thank you, ooh this would look so cute on you Ali." I compliment her while pulling out a thin light blue tank top, she looks up and down at it and takes it.

"Thanks Livie, you got great taste." Ali compliments me and I smile. She goes in and change and when she comes out she models it for me.

"I love it on you, it's perfect." I tell her

"Than I'll get it, thanks girl." She says and we pick out some more clothes to buy. Today was a perfect day. With my best friend and my boyfriend. Than my phone goes off.

Seems like the bestie loves the boo. What if the boo isn't as perfect as he seems? Kisses -A

I look around the mall and I see no one looking at me. I show Ali the text and she looks at me with eyes wide open and we both get short of breathe. Who are you?

Another text from -A, who is this? Also it's a good thing Ali likes Olivia's secret boo. ❤️

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