22. Spencer and Ian

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Olivia's POV
Ali and I decide to go see Spencer and as we walk in her backyard we see Ian and Spencer, Melissa's Ian.

"What is going on here?" I ask and Ali and I observe.

"Let me show you" Ian says as he puts his hands on her butt. "Ok like this" As he adjusts her position. Than he starts kissing her neck! I am going to puke right now. She's kissing him back!

"What is going on? This is so gross" Ali says  and they look at each other.

"Did you like that?" Ian asks Spencer "Maybe" What!!

"Well I'll see you on the field ok." Ian says as he's backing away. "Ok" Alison and I get closer to Spencer behind her.

"Ok gross" I tell her "What did you guys see?" Spencer's voice cracks

"Enough to make us want to puke." I tell her "He's your sisters boyfriend and he's like, old." Alison says as she leans against the Hastings' net.

"Well it was nothing, just forget it ok." Spencer says shyly

"It looked like you were into it." I noticed and Spencer flicks her head at me pissed. "Well I wasn't" She says defensively "I hope not because if you were, that would make you a skank." I tell her and we leave because we're too grossed out.

"What the hell did we just witness?" I ask Alison "I don't know but now we have another thing to use against Spencer." She's right

"Ah nice, this is going to be fun even more so than it already is." I tell her as we high five.

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