chapter 2

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As they entered the dining-room again Emily saw the back of two people. A tall dark haired man and a petite blonde woman. When Jack called out their names they turned around and as Emily looked at the blonde woman, Jack's daughter, she felt her breath caught in her throat. There was just something about that blonde woman, she was beyond beautiful but there was something more, something Emily couldn't pinpoint but just looking at her gave her a warm feeling inside. She almost missed when Jack called her name to get her attention.

"Elizabeth, Emily, this is my daughter Jennifer and her fiance Nathan." Jack said and then turned to his daughter.

"This is my Elizabeth and her daughter Emily." he continued.

Elizabeth instantly wrapped Jennifer up in a hug.

"So good to finally meet you Jennifer, I've heard so much about you." She smiled as she pulled back and looked at Jack's daughter.

She was strikingly beautiful with piercing blue eyes, just like her father.

"I'm glad to finally meet you too Elizabeth. This is Nathan, my fiance." Jennifer said and turned to her fiance who immediately stretched out his hand to say hello. Elizabeth however ignored his hand and pulled him into a hug as well.

"Nice to meet you Nathan." she said as she withdrew from the hug.

"You too Elizabeth." Nathan said and smiled.

Emily stood a bit behind her mother and watched them say hello to each other, her eyes strayed towards the blonde every other second, she just couldn't help herself. Suddenly she felt her mother's hand on her shoulder and heard her voice.

"Jennifer, Nathan, this is my daughter Emily." Elizabeth said proudly.

Emily smiled and took a step forward, Nathan held his hand out which she took and shock politely. Then her eyes turned to the left and instantly locked with a pair of the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. Her mouth suddenly felt dry and it felt like the temperature in the room had rapidly increased. There was a moments awkwardness as it appeared both women were a bit uncertain how to greet each other. A simple handshake or a hug? They were going to be stepsisters so why wouldn't they hug? Jennifer acted first and tentatively moved closer and gave her 'stepsister' a quick hug before looking back at her.

She was incredibly beautiful and as her eyes found the other woman's dark ones she suddenly felt a strange feeling in her body. She had no idea what it was or where it came from but she shook it off.

"Nice to meet you Jennifer." Emily said.

"Please, call me JJ, everybody does. And it's nice to meet you too Emily." JJ said and smiled.

Emily smiled back but as Nathan wrapped his arm around Jennifer's waist her smile faltered.

"Nathan, how about you and I go to the living room, I have a bottle of 12 year old Macallan that really needs to be opened." Jack said and put a hand on Nathan's shoulder.

"Sounds good Jack." Nathan said and followed his father-in-law into the next room.

"So, what do you girls say about some more wine in the garden before the rest of the guests arrive?" Elizabeth asked.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Elizabeth." JJ said and smiled.

Elizabeth put an arm around each girls shoulder and led them back to the back yard. Emily tried to focus straight ahead but failed every time, she just couldn't help herself from turning her head slightly to get a glimpse of Jennifer. When they reached the place under the oak tree where Emily and her mother sat a while ago, Elizabeth removed her arms from the girls shoulders and motioned for them to take a seat.

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