chapter 17

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Could she do it? She was standing in front of the man she'd spent the most of her adult life with, the man she was supposed to marry in a couple of months, the man whos heart she held in her hands. Could she break it?

"I'm in love with her Nathan..."

There it was, the truth. She couldn't lie to him, she didn't want to lie to him. He deserved the truth and the truth was that she was in love with the brunette. She was more than in love, she loved her and though it was insane really she knew that that was how she was feeling and she couldn't pretend she didn't.

"What?..." Nathan said defeated.

"You're in love with her?...But you've only just met her JJ! God! This is not happening..." Nathan dragged his hands through his hair and tried to focus on his breathing that had escalated quite notably.

Jennifer was devastated. Nathan was absolutely crushed and it was all because of her.

"So what are you saying here? That you want to be with her, is that it?" Nathan challenged.

Jennifer could only nod weakly.

"God JJ! We have seven years together, seven! Doesn't that mean anything to you?" he was crying now as well.

"Of course it does!" Jennifer said.

"And still you wanna throw them away for what? For her?" he said with disgust.

"Yes..." she whispered.

"I... I'm so sorry for hurting you like this..." Jennifer said with tears streaming down her face.

He looked at her with disgust. Who was this woman? He didn't know anymore. This wasn't the woman he'd spent seven years of his life, loving. That woman would never do this, would she?

"How can you do this Jennifer... I love you and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you but you rather have a fling with your step-sister... You disgust me!" Nathan said spiteful.

"I love her Nathan... I know you think I'm crazy and I probably am but that's how I feel and I can't change that... I don't want to change that... The years I've spent with you have been wonderful, you know that and I loved you... but-"

"Loved me?... You loved me JJ? You don't love me anymore is that what you're saying?" Nathan said getting even more upset.

Jennifer just looked at him not knowing how to answer that. It was true though, she didn't love him, well she did love him, she just wasn't in love with him anymore and if she was being honest she hadn't been for a while. Meeting Emily stirred up all kinds of new emotions inside her and then she really knew.

"Of course I love you...I'm just..."

God this was so hard.

"I'm just... I'm just not in love with you anymore..." she finally confessed.

"Get out..." Nathan said through gritted teeth.

Jennifer knew it would come to this but it still hurt her beyond words. Seeing Nathan like this killed her but it had been inevitable. Hearing Nathan tell her to get out felt like a slap to the face. She shouldn't be surprised that he reacted like this but a part of her still was. It hurt... It hurt so much but she just nodded and without another word grabbed her purse and left their house.


She had no idea what to do or where to go. For the past hour she'd just driven around with no definite aim. Should she go back to Chicago, to Emily? God how she wanted to be in her arms but she wasn't in a state to drive that far. She pulled off the road and parked her car outside a little bed and breakfast place just outside of town. She decided that maybe it was best to stay there for the night and try to deal with everything else in the morning. She wasn't really hungry but after she'd payed for a room she walked into the diner to get something to eat anyway.

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