chapter 5

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Emily was exhausted as she entered her condo. She dropped her bag on the floor and threw herself on the couch. She picked up her phone from her jeans pocket and called her mother before she'd be too tired.

"Emily! Are you at home?" Elizabeth said as she answered.

"Yes, I just got in. I'm beat so I'm just gonna grab something to eat and then head straight to bed. I just thought I'd call you first." Emily said.

"I'm glad you're home safe. We'll talk more tomorrow, good night honey."

"Night mom."

Emily put her phone down on the table and closed her eyes for a second. She was deadbeat. Luckily she had some frozen pizza in the freezer so she got up and threw one in the microwave before she'd become too tired to move.

After she'd eaten she opened a beer and went back to the couch and slumped down. She turned on the TV with no real intention to watch anything, she was too tired. After a few minutes of zapping through every channel she turned the thing off and decided to go to bed. She could really use a good night's sleep after only getting a few hours of sleep last night, or rather this morning.


Her bed had never felt more comfortable. She checked the time, it was only 8.15pm but she didn't care. She closed her eyes and relaxed against the mattress and could feel she'd be asleep shortly. Just as she was about to doze off her phone beeped and she winced.

"For the love of God who is texting me now?" she growled as she picked up her iPhone to check her messages.

A number she didn't recognize had sent her a text message and her heart started to beat faster as she thought about who it might be. Her guess was right, it was Jennifer.

Hi Emily. I hope I didn't wake you with this if you'd gone to sleep, your mom told me you were really tired. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I had a really nice time last night talking with you and again this morning (but don't think you're forgiven for the Newfoundland comment ;)). I usually don't make new friends very easy, it takes a lot to gain my trust and for me to let someone in but with you I feel like I've known you forever. It's so easy to talk to you and I feel really comfortable in your company. You're a very easy person to like Emily Prentiss and I just wanted you to know that. Sleep tight! / Jennifer

Emily had a huge smile on her face after she'd read Jennifer's text. She just had to write her back before she'd go to sleep.

You didn't wake me but I am dead tired :) Can't go to sleep without texting you back though :) I feel really comfortable in your company too and I also feel like I've known you forever. You have to admit, the Newfoundland thing was kinda funny ;) You're a very easy person to like too Jennifer Jareau.

She hit send and then started typing again

I can't wait to see you again...

Her thumb hovered over the send button. She read the words on the screen again and again then deleted them. She really couldn't wait to see her again but she couldn't send that, could she? No, definitely not.

Anyway, I'm gonna sleep now. Thanks for the text, talk again soon okay? Good night :)

She hit send. Seconds later JJ answered.

Definitely! Good night Emily.

Emily put her phone away and laid back down on her pillow. She fell asleep smiling.


Monday went by rather quickly, she left early for work and stopped by the grocery store on her way home. She made dinner and after she'd eaten she decided to call her mother.

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