chapter 16

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Picking up the phone from the table she saw her mother's name on the display. She hadn't talked to her since she left the cottage two days earlier and she knew she couldn't avoid talking to her forever so she sighed and pressed answer.

"Emily? Are you there?" Elizabeth asked immediately.

"Yeah mom, I'm here."

"Oh good. I've been really worried about you. So.. are you okay? I mean are you-" the older woman started, not knowing how to ask what she really wanted to ask.

Emily sighed.

"I know you told Jennifer where I live and no, I'm not mad at you." Emily answered the non-asked question.

"Oh, okay. Good. Emily I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just let you leave like that but I was just so shocked by what you told me, I couldn't even move." Elizabeth explained.

"It's okay mom. I understand and really, I just needed to get away from it all you know."

"I know and I get that. But you must know that I'm not disappointed in you. I was surprised to say the least and obviously shocked but never disappointed. I love you unconditionally and I will be here to help you through this in any way that I can okay?" Elizabeth said and Emily felt a lump in her throat.

"Thank you mom..." she said as she tried to hold back tears.

"What happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but did Jennifer come to see you?" Elizabeth asked softly.

"Yes... she came." Emily started, still feeling emotional but the threatening tears were under control now.

"And?" Elizabeth asked tentatively.

"We talked and..." Emily started not quite sure how to finish.

"You know I talked to her on the evening of the day you left." Elizabeth said.

"You did?" Emily asked surprised.

"Yes. She was very upset and I couldn't just ignore it so I talked to her." there was a long pause.

"She cares a great deal about you, you know." Elizabeth said.

"I know..." Emily whispered.

"It's just... Are you sure of what you're doing?"

"What do you mean mom?"

"Listen honey, you'll always have my support no matter what, you know that. It's just... there's a lot of things at stake here... many people are involved so, are you really sure about this?" Elizabeth had to ask.

Emily sighed and contemplated what her mother was asking her and yes, a lot of things were at stake and a lot of people were involved in some way but she'd never been more sure in her entire life.

"Mom... I know you only want what's best for me and I know a lot of things are at stake here but... I love her mom... I've never felt like this about anyone ever before... I know it doesn't make any sense because we've just met and I can't explain it, but I feel like I've known her all my life... I know everything will be really complicated because she's already engaged and because you and her dad are getting married but... I wanna be with her..." Emily explained.

"I figured you'd say that." Elizabeth said on the other end of the line and smiled.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt Emily, or Jennifer too for that matter. If you guys pursue this, know it wont be easy. I really have no idea how Jack will react to this news and Nate..." Elizabeth said worried.

"I know mom... I know it wont be easy and I asked Jennifer if she was really sure about what she wanted because I couldn't handle it if she'd change her mind but she's sure and I'm sure..." Emily said.

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