chapter 23

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Jennifer felt really nervous as she opened the door and stepped inside the building. Would her colleagues know about the new change in her life? She wasn't sure if Nathan had said anything to anybody. She didn't think he had but either way, rumors traveled fast and she was certain it would only be a matter of time before the news of her leaving Nathan would reach her colleagues. Stepping into the staff canteen she was greeted by a couple of colleagues who was sitting by a table drinking coffee. Mandy Simmons and Stephanie Lawson, the office's largest gossips, beckoned her to come join them. Pouring herself a cup she took a seat at the same table.

"Hi JJ, did you have a good vacation?" Mandy asked joyful and sipped on her coffee.

Jennifer smiled and took a sip of her own coffee before she answered.

"Yeah, it was good. Too short though."

"It's always too short." Stephanie agreed.

"Did you go anywhere?" she asked.

"Uhm, yeah. We spent a couple of days at dad's fiancee's cottage in Minocqua." Jennifer replied not wanting to go further with that topic.

The three women chatted for a while until it was time to start working. Jennifer was relieved that no rumors seemed to be floating around the office. Unfortunately it would turn out that that was not the case.


Jennifer left the office at lunchtime to go out and buy some food. Meanwhile in the staff canteen Stephanie Lawson had just returned with her lunch and spotted Mandy sitting with a couple of other colleagues at a round table. She hurried over there and took a seat.

"You guys will not believe what I just heard..."


Jennifer opened the door to the staff canteen carrying her food in one hand and a glass bottle of orange juice in the other. She saw her colleagues sitting by a table further in so she started to walk over there to join them when she heard Stephanie Lawson's voice and the blood froze in her veins.

"... and apparently, and you're never gonna believe this, JJ left Nathan for another woman! Imagine the shock for poor Nathan... Finding out your fiancee is a lesbian."

The sound of glass crashing against the floor made everybody at the table turn around and standing a few feet from their table was a pale looking Jennifer with pieces of glass and a pool of orange juice around her feet, together with the Caesar salad she was planning on having for lunch.

Stephanie swallowed audible when she realized that the blonde had heard her and wondered how she could save the situation.

"JJ, uhm you.." she started but before she could finish Jennifer had turned around and walked away from the canteen.

She felt sick. She ran towards the restroom and stopped by the sink, bracing herself on her arms against the cool granite sink counter she tried to catch her breath. This could not be happening, she did not just hear Stephanie Lawson gossip about her in the staff canteen. She looked up at the mirror and saw her own reflection. She looked terrible. Turning on the water tap she splashed her face with cold water and reached for a paper towel. Drying her face she heard the sound of the door opening she pulled the paper towel from her face and turned to see Jill, one of her colleague who was sitting by the same table where Stephanie Lawson was spilling her gossip about the blonde. Jill closed the door slowly behind her and leaned her back against it.

"You okay?" she asked gently.

Jennifer looked at her and crumpled the paper towel in her hand and tossed it in the trash.

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