chapter 10

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Jennifer was the first one to wake up the next morning by rays of light shining in through the window. It took a second for her to realize where she was and then everything dawned on her. She was certain it had all been a dream but now... waking up naked in Emily's bed in Emily's arms certainly brought her back to reality. She should be freaking out but oddly enough she wasn't. Emily's arm was still draped protectively over her stomach and her own hand was resting on top of Emily's arm. She was so warm and her skin was so soft. Slowly she started to trace invisible patterns on her skin, dragging her fingertips up and down her forearm. Emily started to stir behind her and the blonde slowly turned around so she was facing the brunette. She was so beautiful, Jennifer couldn't help herself, she reached out her hand and pushed a few stray strands of hair behind Emily's ear then let her hand rest on the side of her neck as she slowly entangled her fingers in soft dark brown hair.

"I thought you would be gone when I woke up..." Emily said softly as she slowly opened her eyes.

Meeting piercing blue ones her heart skipped a beat.

"I thought so too..." Jennifer admitted as she slowly stroked Emily's hair.

"This is crazy..." she whispered.

Her blue eyes were filled with fear over what they had done and she was terrified to even think about the consequences. Emily put a hand on her cheek and moved her thumb slowly back and forth over her soft skin.

"I know... Do... Do you regret it?" Emily whispered tentatively, terrified of what the blonde would answer.

Jennifer looked deep into Emily's dark eyes and thought about what she'd just been asked. Slowly she shook her head and Emily released a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"I just... I don't know what to do, I'm so confused and and... I just..." she sighed and pulled away, wrapping a sheet around her body she sat up on the edge of the bed with her back turned towards Emily.

"I just don't know Emily..." she said dejected.

Emily's heart sank, she crawled up behind the blonde and wrapped her arms around her waist. Jennifer sighed and leaned back into Emily's embrace for a moment but then removed the brunette's arms from around her waist and stood up to gather her clothes. Emily held back her tears as she watched Jennifer get dressed.

When the blonde had dressed she turned around and met Emily's eyes and it hurt to see them so filled with pain.

"I better get back to the cabin before Elizabeth wakes up." she said. Emily looked down on her hands and nodded slowly.

Jennifer looked at her, she wanted to stay. She wanted to stay in Emily's arms but she wasn't ready to deal with the consequences of that so going back to the cottage was her only option. She lifted her hand and pushed the door handle down then pushed the door open. Tears rolled down Emily's cheeks when she heard the squeaking of the old door but she wiped them away quickly, not wanting the blonde to see her cry. Jennifer had stopped in the doorway, one foot out of the door and her hand still on the handle. Her heart was beating so fast, her mind was telling her to keep walking back to the cottage but her heart was begging her to stay. She turned around and as her eyes found Emily she felt a pang in her heart. The other woman sat on the edge of the bed, still looking down at her hands and the blonde noticed that a few tears escaped Emily's eyes which the brunette quickly wiped away.

Emily didn't notice that Jennifer was still there, standing by the door looking at her. Jennifer couldn't take it, she walked over to Emily and cupped her face then leaned down and captured her lips. Emily was a bit startled but as soon as Jennifer's lips touched hers she wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close. Jennifer wiped away new tears from Emily's cheeks as she continued to kiss her softly. With a final lingering kiss she slowly pulled away and rested her forehead against Emily's.

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