chapter 18

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The next morning Emily woke up still holding the blonde. She couldn't help but smile and nuzzled her nose against Jennifer's shoulder. A while later Jennifer woke up as well and pulled Emily's arm even tighter around her and brought her hand up to her lips so she could kiss it. Emily smiled and placed a lingering kiss on Jennifer's neck.

"I'm so happy you're here..." Jennifer said softly.

"I was going crazy... I think I've made a trail on my living room floor with my pacing." Emily chuckled.

"I couldn't stay at home... I wasn't really thinking but I just wanted to be with you..." she continued gently.

Jennifer turned in her arms and gazed lovingly into Emily's eyes.

"I'm so glad you came... I still can't believe you're really here..." she said tenderly and stroked Emily's cheek.

"There's no where else I'd rather be..." Emily said sincerely.

Jennifer closed the gap between them and kissed her softly. Emily entangled her fingers in Jennifer's soft blonde hair and deepened the kiss. Jennifer moaned into Emily's mouth when their tongues met and started to move slowly together. Emily's hand left Jennifer's hair and made it's way down the blonde's body till it found soft warm skin. Jennifer moved so she came to lie on top of the brunette who let her free hand join the other and started to pull the blonde's sweater up and over her head.

Jennifer pulled them both up into a sitting position and quickly removed Emily's shirt as well before crashing their lips together again. The blonde gasped in anticipation when she felt Emily unclasp her bra and seconds later Emily's hands found her breasts and Jennifer moaned loudly into the other woman's mouth.

"God Emily..." she gasped as Emily's mouth left her own and started to lick and kiss along her jawline down to her neck.

Jennifer fumbled with the clasp on Emily's bra, desperately wanting to touch her. As soon as the clasp opened Jennifer quickly removed the interfering item and let her hands find soft warm flesh. Emily gasped when Jennifer's hands started to explore and she pushed the other woman down on the bed before repositioning herself so she was on top of the blonde wasting no time in connecting their lips again. Jennifer felt a flood of wetness between her legs as her breast collided with Emily's, it was incredibly sexy and she was marvelled by how incredibly turned on she'd become by it.

One of Emily's legs found it's way in between Jennifer's and she pushed her thigh up against the blonde's core. Jennifer broke the kiss and panted violently when Emily continued to push against her and at the same time her hand was teasing her breast. They were definitely wearing too much clothes, she needed the brunette closer...

Her hands moved down to the hem of Emily's jeans and she started working with the button which was extremely hard in the position she was in and with Emily thrusting against her. Emily slowed down and slided off the blonde in order to remove their last pieces of clothing. Jennifer assisted eagerly and as soon as both their pants were off along with their underwear Jennifer pulled the other woman on top of her again and kissed her deeply.

Her hands were moving all over Emily's body and Emily nudged Jennifer's legs apart and slipped her own thigh in between, just like she had earlier but now there wasn't anything in the way. Jennifer moaned when Emily's bare thigh pressed against her center and she started to grind her hips to met Emily's movement, desperate for more pressure.

Emily's tongue swirled around with Jennifer's in a very heated kiss while their grinding against each other increased. Emily's thigh was wet from rubbing against Jennifer's center and she felt a pounding between her own legs. Never breaking the kiss she changed their positions slightly so she was straddling Jennifer's left thigh and gasped when she finally gained some pressure against her acing center. Needing more she broke the kiss and altered their positions again. She pulled Jennifer's right leg over her own left and moved even closer until her center collided with Jennifer's sending a jolt of pleasure through both women. Jennifer threw her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes as her hips started to move frantically, grinding her center hard against Emily's who me her every thrust.

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