chapter 24

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"JJ, are you okay? What happened?" Nathan asked worriedly as he knelt down beside the blonde and shook her gently.

He had heard a muffled sound coming from the guestroom and when JJ hadn't answered when called out her name he slowly opened the door and found the blonde on the floor.

Jennifer had no idea what had happened. She heard Nathan's voice and slowly opened her eyes to find his concerned blue ones looking back at her.

"Hey, are you okay? I heard a sound so I came to look and you were lying on the floor. What happened?" Nathan asked.

Jennifer got up from the floor with Nathan's help and sat down on the edge of the bed. She spotted her phone on the floor.

"Oh my God Emily..." she whispered and bent down to grab her phone.

The second she picked it up she put it back to her ear.

"Elizabeth?" she waited for a response but quickly understood that the call must have been disconnected when she dropped her phone.

"What's going on JJ?" Nathan asked worried.

Jennifer didn't answer, she was too busy trying to redial Elizabeth to hear him. She put her phone back to her ear and waited for Elizabeth to answer.

"Jennifer? What happened? The call got disconnected." Elizabeth said as soon as she answered.

"Elizabeth, what about Emily. What happened?" Jennifer asked as she felt a lump in her throat which she desperately tried to swallow.

"I-I don't know any details j-just that her team was doing a raid against a suspected terrorist group and that something went terribly wrong..." Elizabeth said with a strained voice, obviously trying to keep it together.

"She's in surgery now... they... they said it didn't look good..." Elizabeth's voice broke at that last sentence.

Jennifer closed her eyes and tears slowly trickled down her cheeks.

"Where is she?" she asked.

"Northwestern Memorial Hospital." Elizabeth answered.

"I'm on my way." Jennifer said and hung up.

She slumped down on the bed clutching the phone tightly with both her hands. Nathan looked at her and had no idea what was going on but realized whatever it was it involved Emily and it wasn't good.

"Jennifer? What's going on?" He asked and took a seat by his former girlfriend.

He noticed that tears were running down her face but she was silent.

"Hey?" he put his hand on her arm gently.

"Just talk to me JJ." He pleaded.

Jennifer kept staring at her phone. It was like she was in some sort of a bad dream and she was praying that she would wake up soon. She closed her eyes for a second and another flood of tears started to run down her face.

"Uhm... Em... Emily... It's Emily... She's... oh God... She's been shot Nathan..." Jennifer started crying when she uttered those last words.

"What? Oh my God, is she okay?" Nathan asked and instinctively pulled the blonde close and held her.

Jennifer let Nathan hold her and she buried her face against his chest.

"They said it doesn't look good..." she cried against his chest.

She forced herself to pull herself together, she had to go to Chicago and she had to go now.

"I have to go there Nathan. I have to go to her..." she said as she pulled away and got up from the bed.

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