chapter 15

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Jennifer flipped them over so she was on top. She kissed the woman beneath her deeply as her hands found Emily's breasts again. Squeezing them gently she was marvelled by how she'd never found women attractive before, well okay, she had but not like this... Being this intimate with Emily felt absolutely wonderful, no one had ever made her feel this turned on ever before. She wondered what all this meant, she was undeniably attracted to Emily and no one had ever made her feel like this... was she also gay? So many thoughts were begging to be processed but that would have to wait. She had an amazing woman in her arms and she was dying to make her feel just as good as she herself had felt just minutes ago.

She broke the kiss and trailed kisses down Emily's neck and continued down till she could replace her hands with her mouth. Taking Emily's nipple into her mouth filled the blonde with a sensation she'd never experienced before. Everything she was doing was so new and a little scary but at the same time she felt like she'd always done this. It was strange but that was how she felt.

Switching her attention to Emily's other nipple the blonde heard soft moans escaping Emily's mouth and that gave her courage to continue with what she wanted to do...

Leaving Emily's breast she continued to trail kisses further and further down her torso. When she reached Emily's firm abs she drew small patterns with the tip of her tongue over well-sculptured musculature. Emily breathed heavily as Jennifer's tongue was teasing her skin and her abs flexed from the sensation Jennifer was giving her.

The blonde grazed her fingertips over Emily's abs and was completely mesmerized by her body. She glanced up and saw Emily's chest rise and fall quickly and then she placed a soft lingering kiss on her stomach before she proceeded.

When Emily realized where Jennifer was going she sat up quickly and pulled the woman back on top of her. Jennifer looked at the blonde quizzically. Emily breathed heavily.

"You don't have to do that... i-if you're not ready..." Emily stuttered shyly.

Jennifer smiled and kissed her deeply to tell her without words that she was ready and that she wanted to do it. As she pulled away she met Emily's eyes with a look that said everything. Emily just nodded and as the blonde again started to kiss down her body she closed her eyes and grasped the bed sheets tightly.

Jennifer was really nervous as she kissed her way down Emily's stomach again. What if she wasn't ready? She really had no idea what she was doing, what if she would freak out? Bracing herself she continued, she thought about how Emily had made her feel and she wanted to make Emily feel the same.

When her tongue touched the wetness between Emily's thighs for the first time any doubt she'd had about not getting this right vanished. They way Emily was writhing and the sounds she made spurred Jennifer on and she slowly started to explore this new territory with her lips and tongue.

To say it was anything other than amazing would be a lie. To touch Emily this intimate was intoxicating and she instantly felt like this was something she definitely wanted to do again.

Remembering what Emily had done, she tried to copy her moves and judging by the short gasps coming from the brunette she was obviously doing something right. Mimicking Emily's moves earlier she slowly slipped a finger inside the brunette's core and felt her walls close around her finger instantly.

Emily was so close and when the blonde slipped another finger inside and moved the tip of her tongue a little faster it was all it took for the brunette to fall over the edge. Her walls constricted around Jennifer's fingers and her whole body shivered as wave after wave of mind blowing pleasure washed over her. She didn't even notice when Jennifer lay down on top of her again and kissed the side of her neck softly.

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